Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wednesdays are the Worst! (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: My mouth is finally getting noticeably better. I'm so excited. So far today I have only used lidocaine one time. 

Fact #2: I feel like I could probably be a little adventurous with lunch and maybe chew some food, but my appetite is pretty messed up. Nothing really tastes or sounds good. Not even soda. 

Who is this Britt who can't enjoy a soda?

Fact #3: Right before I got sick, I painted this little table to go next to my thrift store chair:

It was $4 at the thrift store. A great, little find!

I haven't done a single productive thing since. 

Fact #4: While I've been sick, I've started watching Downton Abbey from the beginning. I watched it when it was on Masterpiece back in 2012, but I fizzled out somewhere in season 5. I never quite recovered from the season 3 finale... which I'm coming up on here quick. I'm not ready to go through it again.

Fact #5: The other day, I failed Wordle for the first time. It was devastating. It was the day the word was "smelt." I had the S, the E, and the T in place, and I knew there was an L. My final guess was "slept."

I thought I had it! 

Fact #6: I had a near miss on the day the word was "watch." I got "atch" pretty quick, but I ended up doing "catch," and "hatch." Then I had to decide between "match" and "watch" for the last guess. I went with "watch." 


Fact #7: Despite my best efforts at growing a garden, I don't actually have much of a green thumb. I've always wanted to plant some tulips in my yard, though, so last fall, I finally did it! I checked on them yesterday, and something is coming out of the ground! And I would rejoice and think, "tulips!" except... the week after I planted tulips, my mother-in-law brought some bulbs to my house and let my girls plant them where I had planted the tulips to "surprise" me. So I don't know whose bulbs are popping up - mine, theirs, or both. All will be revealed if/when they bloom!

Fact #8: I do have one stray tulip that pops up in the middle of my lawn every year. It's from the people that lived here before us. 

Fact #9: I'm struggling with Wednesdays right now. They are so chock full of events that I can barely function. I really wish Nicky could drive. It would help immensely. 

Fact #10: This morning I realized that I haven't checked my weight for a year. The last time I stepped on a scale was at a medical appointment last March. I don't know how much I weigh! It's actually very liberating. I know I'm not exactly "thin," but I'm also not a slave to a scale. It's probably one of the best things I've ever done for myself. 

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