Friday, April 29, 2022

An Incomplete List of Awkward Situations (Part V)

When you text your friend to see if she wants to come over for a BBQ, but you send the it to the wrong person, and you're incredibly relieved when that person declines.

When the GPS tells you to turn right in 1,000 feet, and you spend the next 30 seconds going, "Is this a thousand feet? How about now?... maybe now?" 

When someone invites you for dinner, and you perceive immediately that there isn't enough food for your family, so you sneak your kids aside and tell them to take very little, and you'll go to McDonald's on the way home. And then as they clean up dinner, and scrape a few spoonfuls into the disposal, the wife turns to the husband and says, “See? I told you there was enough!” 

When you're half-way through your errands and realize your pants are on backwards. 

When you're deep in Target and you look down and realize that your basket has someone's used, sticky, adhesive bra petals in it, and you've been pushing them around the store for 12 minutes. 

(I have so many questions).

When you discover some used adhesive bra petals on the shelf at Target because a customer found them in her cart and didn't want to continue toting them around the store, and she couldn't find a garbage can. 

(My apologies, whoever you are!)


Need more awkwardness?

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

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