Monday, July 29, 2024

Steve & Me, Me & Steve

Since I owe you a break from girls camp talk, I’m going to interject this little delight for your reading pleasure.

Last night I had a romantic dream…

About Steve Martin. 

Yup. White hair, glasses, 78 years old. 

Me & Steve.

Snuggling in the back of a van.

Everything was very chaste, but I was in love with him. Really, truly in love with him. And I kissed him on the cheek. 

So how do I unpack that?

I woke up from that dream at 4:30 this morning and immediately texted two of my friends. Some things can’t wait for normal waking hours! 


I share this story because I think it’s hilarious. My subconscious comes up with some wiggity whack stuff sometimes. Where did it come up with Steve Martin? 

Several years ago, I wrote about a similar dream on my blog because I thought it was a funny story. I ended up getting some comments that I had an adulterous spirit. “You wouldn’t be dreaming those things if they weren’t already in your mind and heart!” (is essentially what one anonymous commenter said). I also got comments from two people I knew. 

Additionally, I was accused of being adulterous after I posted a photo of me with a Hugh Jackman cardboard cutout on New Year’s Day with the caption “Happy Hugh Year.” That one came with a lecture from a church leader about worshipping celebrities (I always wonder… would it have been the same if my cardboard cutout had been Danny Devito?) So who knows what can of worms I’m opening up with this confession! 

1 comment:

Sus said...

lol I'm always amazed at the things people think they have to comment on. This is hilarious, not adulterous. *tee hee*