Saturday, July 6, 2024

Two Rides

Today I’m blogging from Lagoon where I’m sitting in the shade as a non-participant while Daisy and her friend hit the rides. The friend is a boy, so of course, I regularly check in with them like, “Hey, watcha doing?” “Time for more sunscreen!” “Here’s a drink of water!” “Anyone need some grapes?” “Don’t forget to empty your bladders!” (Because they will hold their pee all day rather than say to one another that they need to go potty).

Being here among the rides reminds me of two times I’ve had the chance to witness other people living their best lives - amusement park style.

Several years ago on a family trip to Disneyland, I sat behind an elderly man and his wife on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. For the entire ride, the man had his arms over his head and was hootin’ and hollerin’ and having the time of his life. I found him so amusing that I just had to ask him how old he was. In an effort to be tactful, instead of saying, “How old are you?” I said, “Sir, may I ask how many years you’ve been on this earth?” 


He told me he will enjoy the rides to the fullest for as long as he can, and I was like, “Yes! This is what I want in life!” The man is my hero! And I think of him every time I ride Big Thunder now. 

Then last summer when we had Lagoon passes, I went on Cannibal behind a man who was pretty large in stature. Quite overweight. I don’t say that to be mean or critical of the guy - I just need to paint a picture of the circumstances because, so often, people let their weight (or their age) dictate their experiences. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve opted out of an activity or experience because of my weight. Yet, here was this larger man on Cannibal determined to have a good time. 

As they checked the harnesses and sent the car out, he was clapping and cheering. Then as the ride went, he had his hands over his head the entire time! And if you’re familiar with the ride, you know it goes upside down a few times, so this guy’s arms were just a dangling! And there is a part where you go upside down over water, and I always hold on pretty tight during that part because, for about six seconds, your entire weight is on that harness, and if you’re going to die on the ride, it’s going to be at that point (this I know!) But that guy? Not worried one bit! He even wore a hat on the rollercoaster (not sure why - there are signs everywhere that tell you to remove all loose items because you will lose them, and looking at the ride makes that very clear. If nothing else, I would think an employee would have made him remove it, but you can only expect so much from a bunch of 14-year-old Lagoon workers). The hat went flying off his head, nearly whacking me in the face, and that only brought him more joy.

As the ride ended, he clapped and fist pumped and hollered, “Yeahhhhhhh!” with contagious energy. It was a treat watching this man enjoy the ride, and now I think of him every time I ride Cannibal. 

Sometimes I think we need a little reminder that we all deserve to have fun. 

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