Monday, July 15, 2024

Things the Kids Say: Episode 32

“Divorced, disheaded, died… divorced, disheaded, survived!”

-Eva singing Six


“I’m craving something with chocolate, caramel, and nuts. Maybe something wrapped in a paper that says Snickers on it.”



“I don’t get why we have to learn to read. If I want to be a heart surgeon, I don’t have to be able to read.”



“I’m not wearing a tie to the temple, and if anyone questions me, I’m going to ask them if they’ve ever seen a picture of Jesus wearing a tie.”


(Me: Technically you could make the same argument for pants)


“Being alive is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”



“None of our families make sense. Every time we get together with family, I don’t know who any of those people are.”

-Daisy (she’s not wrong)


Zoe: You know our cousin that’s Korean?

Me: You don’t have any Korean cousins, honey.

Zoe: Yea I do. The one that’s name is Korean.

Me: None of your cousins have a Korean name. 

Daisy: She’s talking about Corynn.

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