Friday, December 1, 2023

Currently (December 2023 Edition)


More accurately, this is the book currently sitting on my nightstand that I never pick up and read because reading isn’t working for me right now. 

Sick of: spending money and going to stores.


I did inventory of all the food we have in the house and made a list of things I can cook without buying anything. My goal is to cook from the list and not have to buy many groceries in December, however, I do this all the time and never follow through. I'm hoping that using red and green sharpies to make my list will increase my odds of success. I’m pretty sure that’s what does the trick.

Suffering from: frizzy hair. My hair has gone curly and completely changed texture in the last few years. I’m experimenting with different hair products, but I haven’t found any that seem to help.

Annoyed by: the new iOS update that has changed the way you highlight text, and I haven’t quite figured it out.

Wanting: a new bowl scraper attachment for my Bosch mixer. I broke mine.

Wearing: my Disneyland shirt and black stretchy pants with leopard print slippers.

Embarrassed by: my chin zits.

Happy about: having some wonderful testimony building experiences lately. 

Making: cookies… if I have time. I have dreams of making cookies to take to the musical tonight for the kids to snack on while we get their makeup and costumes ready. 

(The musical at the high school was supposed to be November 19-23, but it had to be postponed for two weeks, so last night was finally opening night, and it runs through Monday. One show down… four more to go!)

Feeling: really irritated. I had a frustrating text exchange with someone about and hour ago, and it’s really affecting me.

Saying: “Who keeps leaving wet towels in the drawer?”

Listening to:

I was really excited for this book because it has great reviews, but I have to confess, I’m quite bored. 

Is it me, or is it the books? Because I don’t like anything lately.

Looking forward to: Eva’s third grade drama performance this morning. Our school participates in a drama program, and their performances are adorable! This year Eva’s play is about life cycles, and she is a butterfly. 

Buying: so much stuff. SO MUCH! Why is it that this time of year everything in the house runs out (laundry soap, toilet paper, flour) right in the middle of holiday shopping, and then everyone gets sick and needs to go to the doctor ($$$) and take medicine ($$$)? 

Smelling: a new Christmas-y wall plug in from my bathroom that is wafting into my bedroom where I am currently blogging from my phone (the worst) whilst laying on my bed. 


This expansion to Ark Nova was released at the end of October, so it’s one more thing I had to buy. 

Craving: pomegranate 7up. But I’m soda sober… again, so I must resist. 

Thinking about: the fact that this will be my last “currently” post of 2023, and oh my heck, where has the time gone?

Procrastinating: ordering a new ink cartridge for my printer. I don't want to spend any more money! 

Watching: Big City Greens. Zoe came and climbed in my bed at 6:30 and turned it on. 

Needing: a new laptop. Mine has been on the fritz and literally falling apart for years. I think it might be done. I need to have Scotty look at it and see if he can fix it (again), but its guts are falling out, it has to be held together with a clamp, and the screen has pulsing black lines across it. 

Thankful for: my (possibly dead) laptop. I purchased it slightly used eight years ago with some scholarship money. It got me through school plus six years post-graduation. 

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