Friday, December 22, 2023

Christmas Complaints

I’ve gone mad and baked double batches of three different kinds of muffins today… except for the pumpkin muffins, which I tripled because I accidentally measured the flour amount of pumpkin (like I do) and then had too much pumpkin in the batter and had to adjust by increasing the batch size. 

Why can’t I just be a normal person who bakes a single batch of muffins? 

This, of course, was after the first incident of the day in which I made a double batch of veggie dip and ended up dropping my phone in the bowl, resulting in all of my ports filling with Mayo and dill weed. 

Have you ever had to clean Mayo out of your phone ports? It’s not easy. Toilet water got nothing on Mayo. You can blow dry toilet water. You cannot blow dry Mayo. I mean, you can, but then you still have to go in and scrape it out once it’s turned dry and crusty.

(If I lose my phone to a mayo incident, imma feel real defeated, lemme tell you).

(I’m blogging from my phone, and since my phone controls my life, it gets to decide whether Mayo is capitalized or not). 

My consolation for my food preparation efforts today was knowing that for lunch I had a container of leftover scalloped potatoes waiting for me in the fridge. 

My daughter is currently eating them. So much for that.

The last thing in this world I want to eat right now is a muffin. 


(Let it be known that the iPhone accepts “anywho” as an actual word, but anytime I type “sew” it autocorrects to “see” (that time being no exception), so one may see a quilt but not sew one).

Since we are in the final 72 hours before Christmas, I will close up shop until after the holiday and wish you a Merry one. 

In the meantime, pray for me because this morning Zoe asked me if she could start a dating web site. 

Oh, bless Daisy! Look what she left me!

1 comment: said...

I love the chaos of this post 😂