Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Things the Kids Say: Episode 16

A prayer by Eva: 

"Hevenny Defadduh (Heavenly Father), please use your magic to make Daisy stop saying bad words like, 'peepee.'"


"Hey, Eva! Text [Aunt] Amber and say, 'Can Zoe and Eva come to your house?' But don't use any poop emojis, or she'll know it’s not from Mom!"



"My bladder is like a gallon Ziploc bag."



"It smells like rotten eggs and six-day-old soda in here!"

-Zoe, referring to the van


"I'm flirting with the man in the mirror!"

-Nicky singing "Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson


"(Aunt) Amber allows anything! Even caffeine!"



"I have a really bad font."

-Nicky, referring to his handwriting


"I have a little bit of an accent. I have no idea why. It's just the way God made me."



"I can't wait to go to Saint George so I can twerk with no shirt on."


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