Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Currently {November 2021 Edition}


I'm having a hard time sticking with this one, but my usual rule is to give a book at least 100 pages. I'm on page 91, and things might get interesting now.


Dreading: going to dance class with my girls this week. Every first class of the month is "parent watch day," and while I think it's important to attend so I can interact with the teachers and parents and see what my daughters are learning, it's kind of a nuisance to go to three dance classes. 

Wearing: a Toy Story shirt and green joggers. Because I am the pinnacle of high fashion among 40-year-old Mormon women. 

Okay, I'm not 40. But I'm close enough to round up. 

Listening to:

I wasn't going to read anymore WWII books this year (I need a break), but this was on my "to-read" list, and I needed an audiobook to keep me company while doing mass amounts of household chores this week, and this one was available on Overdrive. 

Singing: "Anyone" by Justin Bieber. Sometimes I'm secretly a fan of the Biebs. 

Buying: Lots of food. We have Nicky’s Court of Honor this week (with a potluck) and then I am feeding 100 people next Monday. 

Craving: Korean beef tacos... which I will have for dinner tonight if I remember to marinate the meat. I really should stop right now and go prep it while I'm thinking about it, but nah.  

Also stuffing. On the list of Thanksgiving preferences, stuffing is a big deal to me. And I'm picky about it. 

Needing: pants that fit. As much as I love pants, I have a heck of a time finding any that fit. 

Annoyed by: Eva's tantrums. This morning she threw a tantrum before school because she had "no backpacks." The girl has two backpacks and was wearing one during this episode. She was on the floor kicking and screaming with her backpack on and refusing to get in the car.


These games have been around for a while, but we just learned to play them recently. 

Working on: stocking my freezer with pumpkin rolls. I have always wanted to make and sell pumpkin rolls for the holidays. I was going to do it last year since it was my first year having all my kids in school, but there was a pumpkin shortage and COVID, so I figured it wasn't a good time. This year, I'm finally doing it. 

Before I started taking orders, I spent two months practicing and finessing my pumpkin roll procedures. I have eaten more pumpkin rolls since August than a normal person eats in a lifetime. After some trial and error, I had 18 pumpkin rolls frozen and ready to sell, and I was hoping I could sell at least 15 of them before Thanksgiving. Well, I sold all 18 in one day and have orders for 22 more. 

I'm happy to say that I have overcome some of my baking disaster tendencies, and I'm actually quite efficient at pumpkin rolls. I multiply my recipe by six and weigh the batter so I get the right amount in each pan. I thought making six pumpkin rolls in a day was pretty snazzy, but after getting so many orders, I had to up my game, so today I made 18. They are cooling right now and waiting to be frosted and packaged. 

I'm not sure I'll even attempt 18 in one day again. I'm pretty exhausted.

Procrastinating: getting ready for the day. I'm covered in pumpkin and flour and have no motivation to do anything about it, but I have to go to dance class with Zoe at 4:00, and sometimes I need to prove to the other parents that I take care of myself. 

Loving: having all my kids in school. It's amazing. 

Worried about: anyone in my family getting COVID. We have so much going on right now, with so many people depending on us, and if we have to shut down for 2+ weeks, I don't know what we'll do. 

Eating: leftover crepes from Zoe's birthday yesterday. She wanted crepes instead of cake and ice cream (I'm always up for cake and ice cream alternatives). I made a quadruple batch of crepe batter, so we had quite a bit leftover, and I was able to make some for breakfast this morning, and there will be some left for dessert tonight, too. 

Struggling with: some muscle fatigue which I hope is due to overexertion and not the return of my mystery pain. Any time my muscles feel sore without an obvious cause, I get really scared. 

Feeling: distracted. I turn into Dug when I have a hefty to do list. 

Grateful for: my Bosch mixer. 

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