Thursday, July 8, 2021

I had hot dogs and ice cream for dinner (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: On my phone I keep a list of ideas for blog posts. This is a good plan, in theory, since I get ideas for things to write and then quickly forget them. But the problem is that later I don't know what I meant. For example, my current list has the phrase "not in the mood." I have no clue what I was referring to.

Fact #2: If you're ever bored, I recommend visiting the book section of a store and counting how many book covers feature People From Behind.

Fact #3: Of the books above, I liked The Things We Cannot Say the best.  

Fact #4: Speaking of books... a few weeks ago, I fell asleep listening to an audiobook. In fact, I finished the audiobook in my sleep then woke up and rewound it, only to finish it again in my sleep. The next day I finished the book awake and then went to add it to Goodreads. Lo and behold, I'd already submitted my review for the book, which I must assume, I did in my sleep. 

Fact #5: Today I spent all day at the lake with my kids and two of their friends. When we first got there, Max, a friend, got two bloody noses. Then about three hours later, Nicky got a bloody nose. Max's were quick and mild. Nicky's was a 20-minute gusher. On the way home, we stopped at McDonald's, and Nicky's nose started bleeding again. He and I were sharing a bag of fries. I reached into the bag to get some fries, and my hand came out covered in blood. He'd bled right into our fry bag! 

Fact #6: As if that weren't enough blood for one day, Eva's tooth fell out when we got home, and she came running into the living room screaming with blood all over her face (girl does not handle the losing of teeth well). I have since found three bloody paper towels laying around the house.

Fact #7: I came home from the lake with splotchy sunburn patterns and Chacos tan lines. I love having tan lines from my sandals. Makes me happy. 

Fact #8: I've probably grossed you out enough for one day, so would it be totally out of line to tell you that my kid threw up at her tumbling class last night and then threw up in her friend's car on the way home? 

I mean, I did give you that little break in between gross things where I talked about tan lines. 

Fact #9: I owe a few people gift baskets for cleaning up barf. Probably more than gift baskets, actually. Week-long vacations at all-inclusive resorts.

Fact #10: I'm too tired to go to bed. I'm also staying up to wait for the tooth fairy to come (see #6).

1 comment:

Jana Lyn said...

Our tooth fairy often forgets for multiple days!