Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Currently {February 2021 Edition}

Reading: The Law of Moses by Amy Harmon (which is a novel, not a book about the Old Testament - lest you be confused).

Buying: Only what we need. I've been keeping the budget pretty tight lately in an effort to get some money saved up. I feel like I've been living this restricted lifestyle for so long, and yet, it's just been a month. Any day now, I'm going to climb out a bedroom window and take the bus to Costco to spend $1,000. I could use the door and drive myself, but there's something about a window and a bus that satisfies my internal need for rebellion. 

Things I'm not buying but find tempting:

This awesome Valentine's Day shirt for Nicky to wear to his aunt's Valentine's Day party next weekend

This truth speaking shirt

Craving: egg rolls. I've been on a Chinese food kick lately. Can't stop. Won't stop.

Listening to: a few Y Religion podcasts.  They're a little bit boring, to be honest, and I rarely get through the whole thing (I usually skip segment 3), but I listen to them sometimes because I like the research. 

Trying: to stay caught up on the reading for Come Follow Me. It's been really nice studying the Doctrine and Covenants because I don't get overwhelmed by the amount of reading each week. Sometimes I even read through it two or three times! 

Wanting: a new wreath for my living room because this ol' thing stabs people in the head when they sit under it. 

Annoyed by: people who park on the street to pick their kids up from school and leave a big gap between their car and the car behind them, but not a big enough gap for someone to park there. 

Playing: Lots and lots of Wingspan. Between the board game and the Nintendo Switch, I probably played thirty times while we were quarantined. I won't tell you how many times I lost. 

Feeling: weird. I'm trying to figure out how to get back to "normal" after having my kids home for so long. They had 17 days of winter break, then went to school for five days, then had another week off school, then two weeks of quarantine. Now that they're finally back at school, I'm trying to figure out what my life is supposed to be like. 

Struggling with: relationships. I have joked that 2021 is a year for damaged relationships because I've had some really awkward and/or weird things happen with other people thus far.

Procrastinating: changing my blog banner from Christmas. 

It works through winter, right?

Wearing: My favorite pants and a black hoodie. 

Eating: honey sesame chicken from Citrus Pear. I tried a new thing and signed up for a freezer meal prep class, and then I wasn't able to go because we were quarantined. But luckily, my friend was able to bring all of the stuff to me so I could assemble my meals at home. Filling my freezer with food was the only thing I did during quarantine that made me feel productive and somewhat normal. 

Looking forward to: getting my hair cut tomorrow. I need a cut so bad! I had to cancel my prior appointment for quarantine.

Worried about: Daisy going to junior high. This week we had to decide whether to send her to junior high for 6th grade or keep her in elementary school (it's complicated), and any thought of sending her to junior high makes me physically ill. She wants to stay in elementary, so phew! I can put off that nightmare for another year. 

Nicky will be going to high school next year, which is absolutely crazy to me! But I'm not nearly as worried about him as I am about Daisy. 

We were thrown for a loop during our quarantine because we had to sign our kids up for next year's classes, and we weren't ready! Our kids weren't at school when they handed out the paperwork, so all of a sudden it was like, "Oh! And by the way, you were supposed to sign your kids up for school, like, yesterday."

The good news is, we were able to get Nicky registered to take his PE class right now so he will have more room in his schedule next year. 

Grateful for: the tiny screwdrivers Cousin Cyndi gave me. I had to fix my laptop again this week, and they came in handy!

1 comment:

JJ said...

I need the Jesus shirt!