Tuesday, February 9, 2021

My Little Groundhog

We've been having a heck of a time with Zoe lately. This girl... she is such a joy, but off and on, we have some real struggles. This past weekend was a rough one for ZoZo. 

Luckily, she brings us as much delight as she does drama. 

Lately Zoe has been obsessed with her calendar. She won it at BINGO during General Conference, and she waited so patiently for 2021 so she could start using it. I hung it on her wall (with a straight pin) and she has been marking off the days since the new year. 

Zoe wants to know about every holiday ("Mom! What's Ash Wednesday?") so when she saw Groundhog Day on the calendar, she started asking a lot of questions. I was surprised she didn't know what it was already, as I'm sure they've talked about it at school, but maybe she'd forgotten. COVID brain and whatnot.

Scotty told her about Punxsutawney Phil the night before Groundhog Day, and Zoe was so excited she could hardly sleep. On Groundhog Day, she woke up early with the brilliant idea that she needed to dress up like a groundhog for school (back in December, she did the same thing when she wanted to be a Christmas tree). I tried to explain to her that Groundhog Day isn't a "dress-up" holiday, but she was so full of big ideas, there was no talking her out of it. 

I ended up printing her a Groundhog Day hat to color, and then I hot glued a nose and some teeth onto a disposable mask (what every mom wants to do at 7:30 in the morning).

Thank heaven it was to her satisfaction, because she never would have relented if I hadn't made her dream come true. She insisted that I make her an extra mask in case the first one broke, so I obliged and sent her off to school with buck teeth and a spare. 

This is one case where masks came in very handy... they allowed an easy solution to my daughter's need to be a groundhog for a day. And that is a small glimpse of life with Zoe.

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