Sunday, August 2, 2020

Currently {August 2020 Edition}


Listening to:

I read Educated two years ago, and now my book club is reading it, so I'm listening to the audiobook this time. 

Buying: a new TV for the family room. Our old one was just a bit too small for the wall space. It was a frivolous investment, I admit, but we really love it!

Missing: shaking hands and hugging. And I'm not even a hugger!

Craving: sleep. I just want to hibernate for a month and start fresh in September. 


Wearing: a black and white striped dress that I often use as lounge wear.

Hoping to: have a productive week. I feel like I'm behind on everything. 

Finishing: our storage closet in the basement. We are making the shelves out of some wood that Scotty got from his grandpa. We're sanding it and staining it even though it will go behind closed doors because it's "pretty" wood. 


We're not doing as much chalk art now because it's so hot outside, but for Pioneer Day (July 24th), Daisy and I made a Utah collage. 

Eating: all things zucchini. 

Feeling: unwell in a variety of ways. Yesterday I think I had some heat exhaustion. I was nauseous and fatigued, and I had a headache after working outside for several hours. I am also going through a bout of depression - hence my lack of blogging. 

Looking forward to: lunch. I have hope for a delicious sandwich experience today. It's Fast Sunday, but I'm sitting this one out. I'm not doing well spiritually right now, but I know my patterns with depression and spiritual things, so I know I'll be okay in time. 

Wishing for: unlimited reading time. I have about ten books in queue. My library holds have been coming in all at once, and I just got a notification that a book I'm really excited about is ready for me, so I now have to drop all my other books for that one. I've had it on hold since December! Our library is doing pickup by appointment, so I better get my appointment scheduled.


Grateful for: everything that cools me down. The swamp cooler, the A/C in my car, chilled beverages, ice cream, ceiling fans, and ice packs. Also, all things "curbside." 


Mama B said...

I’m so happy to hear from you. I’ve missed you. Sorry about the depression. I’m feeling it too.

Jana Lyn said...

Your chalk collage is fun!