Tuesday, August 4, 2020


Here's a little of what we've been up to lately.

Zoe is all about building furniture and houses for her LOL dolls out of cardboard. 

One Sunday morning, we went and explored the Salt Lake City Cemetery. I could wander there for hours (my kids... not so much).

We've reached a beautiful milestone: we can go on a family bike ride with no training wheels or bike trailers!

Scotty refuses to get rid of these shoes. He wears them every day. I can't wait til his feet fall out of them! 

I continue to rock at domestic bliss. 

Nailed it!

This has been our backyard swimming pool for the season. It's a pond form we bought when we were first married - thinking we would build a pond in our yard. For the past few years we've used it to hold soil while we empty our garden boxes to replace the weed barrier. Scotty drilled holes in it so the water would drain out. Now those holes are covered in Gorilla tape.

Daisy has been learning how to sew scrunchies (thanks to my mom - heaven knows I don't have the patience to teach Daisy how to sew. Plus I don't really know how to sew anyway).

We had a Disney-themed party at Grandma K's house. Normally Grandma K has a cousin sleepover ever summer. This year was modified to be COVID-friendly. Daisy dressed up as Minnie Mouse and scared the babies.

We've spent a few days at the lake with our kayaks. 

I've been working on reorganizing our storage room and other areas of the house. It doesn't feel like it's helping. 

Behold! The new carpet!
Last weekend we went camping and did Nicky's Eagle project. His project was to refinish this amphitheater. It was a beast, but we had lots of people come help!

(I don't have an after picture because the sun was so harsh the photos didn't turn out).

Other happenings:
  • We had a fire in the neighborhood a few weeks ago
  • The kids have enjoyed doing diamond art and making play dough (which costs more for the ingredients than it would to buy Play Doh)
  • We've checked out some great parks (we try to go early in the morning to beat the heat)
  • We are auditioning lots of new zucchini recipes
  • Our garden isn't doing so great (lots of plants, very few veggies on them. This week I started pulling out plants that aren't growing anything)
  • After months of silence, the Magna fault line shook again last week (just a 2.6)
  • Our school district is resuming a full five-day schedule with the option of distance learning. After praying about it and doing our research, we have decided to send all the kids to school. I actually feel really good about it, but I'm going to be a mess that first week or so as I send my kids off to learn a new way of life in the public school system
  • Yesterday I braved IKEA. I deserve a medal for this because A) I hate IKEA, B) I had to take all four kids (since Scotty works from home), and C) I had to wait in a line of nearly 400 people (yeah, I counted) to get in. I bought dressers for Eva and Zoe, then Scotty and I built them last night. Did you know that IKEA is absolutely insane right now? I didn't. I tried to go last week, saw the line, and left immediately. I had to prepare emotionally to be able to go back this week.
  • I had the productive Monday I was hoping for this week 
And that's a summary of life lately. When I list it here on the internet, it looks like we're busy and having fun all the time. In truth, we are bored, stuck at home, too hot, watching way too much TV, fighting, and suffering. In fact, I bought an unlimited car wash pass just so we could have somewhere to go. Good times!


love.joy.lane said...

Unlimited car wash pass... You are my hero!

Mama B said...

If you’ve come across any great zucchini recipes pass them my way