Friday, August 21, 2020

A Countdown of Random Things

 Ten things I should be doing instead of blogging

10. Folding laundry

9. Feeding my children breakfast

8. Exercising

7. Cleaning the kitchen

6. Reading with my kids

5. Studying my scriptures

4. Brushing my teeth

3. Pulling weeds in the garden

2. Wearing a bra

1. Organizing our coat rack

Nine things I want to buy

9. New flip-flops to replace my Donny & Marie ones (that was my only pair - I haven't thrown them away yet, but I need to. They are destroyed).

8. A convection oven

7. A new blender (ours died earlier this week)

6. A new freezer for the garage (we have a chest freezer, and we have to keep a paint can on it to keep it closed)

5. Mariposas (a new board game by Elizabeth Hargrave)

4. A new toilet (our upstairs toilet is on the fritz)

3. A dryer that matches our washer (normally I wouldn't care, but now that our washer and dryer are visible in our family room, I kind of want them to match. Our washer is white, and our dryer is gray)

2. A new dishwasher with a disposal in it (can you tell our appliances are all hanging by a thread?)

1. A pair of Chacos (but unfortunately, Chacos don't fit me. My feet are too wide)

Eight non-productive things I'd like to do today

8. Sleep 

7. Binge watch a show

6. Rearrange my home decor

5. Go on an online spending spree

4. Go out to lunch

3. Marco Polo Shannon

2. Lay on the floor under the swamp cooler in my underwear

1. Do soduku 

Seven things that make me feel old

7. My gray hair

6. My inability to be on trend 

5. My aversion to everything the youngins are interested in

4. My loss of coordination

3. My failure to successfully order food from an app (twice I've ordered from an app and shown up to pick up my food, and they don't have my order)

2. Watching TV shows where the characters are all younger than me (Friends, for example. I used to be younger than them. Now I'm older than them!)

1. Watching movies I used to love and seeing how outdated they look now (the original X-Men is now 20 years old! Hugh Jackman was in his early thirties when it was filmed!)

Six things I love doing

6. People watching

5. Flossing

4. Eavesdropping

3. Feeding people

2. Playing board games

1. Cleaning my fingernails

Five things I need to do better with my children

5. Follow through with discipline

4. Read with them

3. Listen without correcting

2. Spend one-on-one time with them

1. Share my testimony with them

Four things I need to work on

4. Sticking to our budget

3. Getting back in the habit of scripture study and prayer

2. Not eating out so much

1. Seeing the good in other people

Three things on my mind

3. The possibility of getting a part-time job (this just crossed my mind yesterday)

2. COVID things

1. Back to school

Two skills I wish I had

2. Playing the piano (or any instrument - I wish I could read music)

1. Speaking another language (this would really enhance my eavesdropping abilities)

One thing I wish I could change about today

1. The temperature (I'd opt for 65)

1 comment:

Jana Lyn said...

You love flossing!? Wow! I wish I was in that category.