Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Things the Kids Say: Episode 10

“Did John Legend used to be in the Beatles?”



“Would you rather be depressed or just ressed?” 

- Daisy


Daisy telling me about a movie:

“There’s this really old lady, and she’s like 29...”


Eva: My owie hurts

Me: What do you want me to do about it?

Eva: Carry me and be my butler!


After I told Eva we are going camping:

Eva: If we find a real live elephant at our camp site can we keep it?

Me: Sure


Me: Nicky, do you need a time out?

Nicky (in Batman voice): Nicky doesn’t go to time out!


“I’m hungry and my pinkie is tired.” 



“I don’t understand anything Judge Judy talks about.” 



“Am I supposed to clench?” 

-Scotty while using the bidet for the first time


Eva: Once upon a time there was a... Hey dad, what’s your favorite animal?

Scotty: Um... a weasel?

Eva: Ok. Once upon a time there was a wiener...


Listening to “Hungry Eyes:”

Me: This was my favorite song when I was five

Nicky: Yeah, I can tell it’s from the fifties.

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