Wednesday, October 5, 2016


A guy in my ward once told me that if my baby boy ever started peeing while I was changing his diaper, I could just "pinch it off."


This post if part of a 31 day writing challenge which I adapted to be a 31 day Fallon-inspired hashtag challenge. Make my day and leave a comment on the hashtag!


Jen said...

My dad told me to put toothpaste on my zits. Since I had zits all over my entire face I made a toothpaste mask. When I woke up my face was stuck to my pillow. #worstadvice

Britt said...

No lie, Jen, I tried the toothpaste thing, too! I also rubbed a raw potato on my face because my mom read in a home remedies book that it would clear up acne. I should write a post about all of the acne remedies I tried over the years.

Feisty Harriet said...

Um, yes. That ^^^ Please write that.
