Friday, September 20, 2024

Ten (Quick) Random Facts

Lickety Split 

Fact #1: I absolutely hate my CPAP machine. Thanks for asking. 

Fact #2: I know you want to see more homecoming pics of Daisy and Leo.

Fact #3: We just found out that Nicky’s homecoming photos didn’t save to the SD card the photographer was using. I’m glad he at least had a few candid selfies and funny photos from the day since it was his last homecoming. 

Fact #4: Things my son does that give me a heart attack:

Double back flips off a rope swing hanging from a dead tree

Me: Is this one of those optical illusions that makes it look like you’re standing on a cliff you could slip right off of, but you’re actually just a foot off the ground?
Him: No. I’m literally standing on the edge of the cliff.

Scaling a backstop for no reason other than he can

Fact #5: What it’s like to have a 15-year-old daughter:

Fact #6: One thing I love about our high school is that they have some wonderful, inclusive, special education programs. They have Unified Sports, Unified Cheer, and Unified Theatre (to name a few). Nicky has such a gift for working with kids with special needs, and it was his priority for his senior year to do Unified Sports and Unified Theatre. He arranged his entire schedule (and even declined some opportunities like Madrigals) to be able to do these programs. 

Fact #7: Yesterday was the Unified Soccer Tournament, and our school hosted. I was able to sneak away from work (with twenty minutes notice because Nicky is, after all, a teenage boy who routinely forgets to tell his mom about his events) and watch them play. 

(The event was supposed to be on the football field, but they had to move inside due to rain).

We had a really awesome rainbow the other day. Cell phone photos from the intersection just never quite cut it!

Fact #8: I’m so excited for cooler weather, and I’ve loved the rain. Give me a few more cold, gloomy days! And let me nap. 

Fact #9: I finished an audiobook last week, and I’m 90% done with another one. These are the first ones I’ve really finished (attentively) since April when I stopped being able to read

Fact#10: Shoot, maybe that CPAP machine that I hate so much is actually helping with my cognitive function. 

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