Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Ones I Didn’t Write

It’s the end of September, and even though today isn’t the last day, I’m going to go ahead and put the September Writing Challenge of 2024 to rest. It was a lovely month, and even though I didn’t produce the best writing of my life, it felt good to do some regular blogging. 

I’ve hit the point now where I don’t have any umph left for the remaining prompts. Here’s what I thought I might have written for the leftover prompts if I’d ever had the gumption:

Makeshift - we have a lot of stuff around our house that is making do; things we’ve had to jimmy rig to make last longer. 

Impulse - something I did on a whim. Or maybe an impulse buy (which this month, I think my most exciting impulse buy was new underwear for Scotty).

Deal or No Deal - things I bought at the thrift store vs things I passed on (I went to the thrift store a few times this month but just didn’t yield the right experience to make a post like this).

Utah - a list of things I like about my state or maybe a post about a particular place.

Believe - something I believe strongly in. Like how stores should have their hours posted large enough for me to read them from my car as I drive by.

Victory - a celebration of some kind of accomplishment, like going to the dentist or finally refilling my salt shaker.

My Way - an explanation of something done my way.

Something Sweet - perhaps a recipe for a yummy treat.

Shape - no idea. 

Let’s Go! - I thought I’d go somewhere and be able to blog about it. Never really happened other than going to the mountains one time, but I wrote about that in a different prompt. 

Last Week - a flashback for something I experienced the week before, but there was never anything left behind from “last week” that I could write about. 

So there you have it. September Writing Challenge 2024. Thanks for checking in. I’ll now leave you with an obligatory photo (since I don’t include one in my last post, and two posts in a row without a photo feels like I’m breaking a law).

I regret not acting on this impulse buy.

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