Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Things the Kids Say: Episode 32

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #5: 


: Saying something about Planet of the Apes.

Daisy: Wait, I thought Planet of the Apes was one of those National Geographic shows.


“No one is going to like you with that jawline of yours that goes straight into a chin!”

- Zoe to Eva

Eva and her questionable jawline
(Eva is my least photographed child right now. I had to scroll all the way back to July to find a picture of just her)


“I think I’m a late bloomer. Everyone my age has mountains, and I have small hills.”

- Zoe


“School is hard now that I’m a good student.”

- Eva


“I’m a hungry little fella.”

- Eva


Watching a Dystopian movie…

“Aw, man! We still have to shower in the future?”

- Zoe

We fight this girl every time she needs to shower.


Nicky: This copy of Risk is from 1998.

Daisy: Isn’t that when WWII started?

Nicky: No, that was in the 60’s.

(Yet, somehow he passed his AP US History test).

On Sunday we taught Daisy how to play Risk, and she won! Her mission was to conquer Africa and Asia (one of the hardest missions). My mission was to destroy yellow. 

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