Thursday, September 1, 2022

Currently {September 2022 Edition}

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #21:


So it begins! Today is the first day of my annual September Writing Challenge, but that conflicts with my tradition of doing a “Currently” post at the beginning of the month. How does one resolve this? Well, I just sneaked “currently” in as a writing prompt, and tada! Problem solved! 

Before I delve in, I thought I’d look back and see when I started doing these posts. I was shocked to discover that my first ever “Currently” post was January 19, 2011. I’ve been doing this post for nearly twelve years! 

Whoa. I’ve definitely become one of those adults who marvel at how fast time passes. 

Here’s what I’m up to currently: 


Wearing: a shirt from the thrift store that says "May the Lord be with you!" 

I just have to say... I am so excited for Pants Season. I spend all summer wearing hideous knee-length shorts, trying to stay cool and accommodate my religious underclothing. I always rejoice when I can start wearing pants and be comfortable in them (i.e. not overheat). I love pants. I feel like I look ten times better in pants. Unfortunately, we are experiencing record-high temperatures right now, so Pants Season is nowhere in sight. 

Annoyed by: everything. I'm highly irritable right now, and it’s something I’m keeping a close eye on because I recently went off my antidepressants, and these things matter.

Struggling with: compassion. I am so fatigued with feeling like I need to be sympathetic and understanding toward everyone all the time.  

Excited for: our upcoming family vacation. 

Listening to: 

This is the second audiobook I’ve listened to from this author, and it will be the last because I don’t care for the reader. She does a really weird voice for the male character, and it drives me batty.

Deciding: what to have for breakfast today. I’m writing this at 4:40 a.m. because there were people fighting in the street in front of our house (which actually happens pretty regularly since we live on a busy street), and they woke me up, so I might as well use this fit of wakefulness to blog and think about food.

Avoiding: family photos. But ours are three years outdated, so I think we’re due. 


Laughing about: the truth of this meme:

My kitchen:

Watching: All the Mission: Impossible movies. 1, 2, & 4 were on Netflix until yesterday, so I was working on a deadline. M:I 3 wasn't on Netflix (or any of my other streaming services), so I had to rent it on Amazon (true fact: I would rather pay to rent a movie on Amazon than have to use a DVD - I am that lazy. Don't judge me). But how annoying is it that Netflix didn't have #3? 

And Top Gun: Maverick with subtitles and the sound bar turned up enough to shake the house.

Playing: Wingspan on my phone. I play at least two rounds everyday. 

Shopping for: pants. As much as I love them, I have a really hard time finding any that fit. 

Working on: my September Writing Challenge. I always try to stay way ahead on writing posts so I don't burn out. I have nine scheduled and two more in progress. We'll see how long before I hit my wall. Lately I've had a lot to say, and my brain is constantly flowing. This can't go on!

Singing: "I Ain't Worried." I'm working on my whistling.

Feeling: weepy. I need to have a good cry. I never cry, and sometimes things pile up, and I just really need to clean the arteries of my soul with a good leaking session. I'm building up to it. 

Wanting: a really nice metal spatula. I ordered one from Amazon the other day, but it wasn’t The One, so I sent it back. Somewhere out there, there is a perfect spatula for me, and I am going to find it!

Remembering: how much I loved to sing “Somewhere about There,” when I was a kid. I particularly enjoyed singing it while looking out windows at the moon.

Cooking: Slow Cooker Chicken Cordon Bleu. It was fine, but it looked like barf when plated, and my kids refused to eat it, so I won't be making it again.

Eating: Papa Murphy's. I thought I had $10 in rewards for Papa Murphy's so I went and bought some pizza last night only to realize that I actually have $10 in rewards at Papa John's. Darn the Papas! Now I have to eat even more pizza!

Looking forward to: fall weather. I come alive in the fall!

"October. My favorite month... There's a chill in the air that lifts my heart and makes my hair stand on end. Every moment feels meant for me. In October, I'm the star of my own movie... and I have faith in my own rising action... I come alive in October... October, baptize me with leaves! Swaddle me in corduroy and nurse me with split pea soup. October, tuck tiny candy bars into my pockets and carve my smile into a thousand pumpkins."

-Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Dreading: my dental cleaning next week. As an adult, I’ve always been pretty chill about dental work. I’ve had root canals, crowns, and even oral surgery without a hitch. But my last dental exam is what likely triggered my herpes outbreak earlier this year, so now I’m a little more apprehensive about going to the dentist. Please bless that I get through my exam unscathed because herpes and me? We don’t need a relationship. I never want that to happen to me again. Give me a dozen root canals over an oral herpes outbreak. 

Procrastinating: rescheduling a doctor appointment for next week. 

Sick of: reels. 

Craving: a cold cuppa Coke. I have an insulated cup that I've been filling up at Maverik, and it is fabulous. Oh, remember how I quit soda (again) back in July and then somehow ended up back on the sauce a month later? I don't even know what happened. Just give me my sippy and leave me alone. 

Grateful for: the ability to learn.

1 comment: said...

I just told Blake this week, "I need pants - one can only take frumpy knee length shorts for so long, I'm done looking 100% Mormon all the time."