Wednesday, September 29, 2021

In the Eye of the Hurricane

September Writing Challenge - Prompt #18:


One thing I'm really appreciating about having all my kids in school is that I occasionally get to experience "quiet" in my home. When I was younger - in my teens and in my pre-kid, young adult years - I didn't really like "quiet." Quiet equaled boredom. But I didn't really need quiet back then. Now it's something I need to experience in order to clear my mind. My brain needs quiet, my heart needs quiet, and my soul needs quiet. 

For me, quiet isn't as much about the lack of noise (though I appreciate that aspect of quiet); it's mostly about the lack of chaos. I just need things to be still once in a while. 

The past few weeks, we've been really busy. I hate to even say that because I'm actually "anti-busy," so I've been living in a manner that's contrary to what I want my life to be. But it's true... we're busy right now. On Friday, I had to do nine drop-offs and pick-ups. Nine. That's what I do right now. I drive the people, feed the people, and then drive the people some more. I also take the people to get tested for COVID. All the dang time. 

So quiet? Yes, please. I need that. 

(Extra credit to anyone who understands the title of this post).

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