Thursday, March 1, 2018

Moving On

For the past three years, I've taught youth Sunday school at church. This is my second time serving as a youth Sunday school teacher. My first calling (church job) was teaching youth Sunday school as an 18-year-old. In hindsight, I laugh because I was a youth teaching the youth! But I thought I was so grown up and cool (I even wrote about how cool I was in my Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal. All legit adults have one of those, right?)

I loved teaching Sunday school then, and I loved it the second time around. It is, by far, my favorite calling, and the one I would hand-pick if I could.

Recently my time as a Sunday school teacher came to an end. It's been very emotional over the past few weeks as I've prepared to leave my class. I wasn't ready for the change. I cried every day for the first week after I heard the news. Then I cried every two days for the week after that.

The worst part of it was when I had to teach my class, knowing that I would be leaving them soon, but not being able to tell them yet. Of course that day, a girl said in the opening prayer, "We're thankful for Brittany."

Cue tears.

I had to suck them back in and get on with the lesson.

The thing about teenagers is...

They are hard. Frankly, I'm terrified of them.

But when I serve and teach them as individuals, they are everything to me!

(Sidenote: Remember how Scotty and I were Ma & Pa for Trek a couple of years ago? We loved our family of teenagers so much. The same week I found out I was being released from Sunday school, two of our Trek children got engaged... to each other!!! And one received his mission call. It was a big week for my teenagers. Again... they become everything to me!)

During my time teaching Sunday school, I faced plenty of challenges. I had kids walk out of my lessons. I had kids make me cry. Sometimes I felt defeated, lost, or overwhelmed. Sometimes my lessons were really, really bad.

But I loved it.

And I loved them. My teenagers.

1 comment:

Miss L said...

I’m getting released after 3 years in YWs on Sunday, and yesterday was my last Mutual night. I’m heartbroken, so I feels ya. Thanks for all the effort and energy and LOVE you have given those teens. When the look back on it, they won’t remember the “bad” lessons. They will remember YOU, and the difference you made in their lives...even if it was just because you were there on Sunday. You ROCK!