Wednesday, December 6, 2017

A Year of School Posters

For the past five years (with the exception of year three when I told the PTA I would "think about it" and then never got back to them) I've done a birthday poster for my children's school. Every year, I think it will be the last year, and every year, I get asked to do it again, and I say yes.

This year, when they asked me, I thought, "I should say no." But then I pondered things and realized that I have no good reason to say no. I know that it's trendy to say no, and there are all these mantras about learning to say no, but being helpful requires saying yes! Granted, the school could survive without a birthday poster each month, but it's become a fun tradition, and I love when students see me carrying the poster into the school, and they start whispering to each other, "What do you think it is this time?"

Here are all of the posters from this year (minus February because February was such an embarrassment that I didn't even take a picture of it).









On addition to the birthday posters, I usually get asked to to a couple of teacher appreciation posters. This year, they had us do them on standard poster board. I made one for Nicky's teacher and one for the librarians:

Nicky's teacher told me that she was going to take hers home, put it in a frame, and hang it in her basement. That made me glad that I'd done the extra work to fix her name, which I'd misspelled. 

Here are my other posts with posters I've done for the school:

1 comment: said...

Those are remarkable - Like so cute!!!