Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Post I Gave Up On

There’s no school today (I started this post on Friday), so we are all having our tech time. Me included. So how about a Q&A from my writing prompts board on Pinterest? Yes, yes. Then I don’t have to be responsible for coming up with a topic to blog about (though I do have a note on my phone with ideas for another day when I have more brain power) (I just woke up from a really long, much needed nap. I can’t brain yet). Here’s what I can offer: 

Are you happy? Why or why not?

Overall, I have a pretty happy life, especially if I go by my chosen definition for happiness which comes from a sociologist named Ruut Veenhoven and is “an overall appreciation for life as a whole.” 

In fact, this morning before I got out of bed, I scrolled back through my past year of Instagram posts and kept thinking “look at what a good life I have!” So either it is really a good and happy life despite its imperfections and struggles or social media is so deceptive that I’ve even fooled myself into believing my life is happy and great!

What challenges are you currently facing?

Parenting - all the decisions I have to make for my kids and not always knowing what the right choice is and how it will affect them. Discipline. Technology. Teaching them everything they need to know to get through life. Communicating love to them but also not putting up with crap. Raising them with values without imposing beliefs on them or making them resentful. The list is long.

I was going to list some more challenges I’m facing in sloppy, incomplete sentences, but that last paragraph fatigued me on this topic.

Do you have a solid, consistent routine? Do you like it?

Every day is a little different, but there are points in most days that are routine. Mornings on school days are pretty consistent with getting everyone ready and out the door. I have some variations in work days vs days off. Evenings vary based on the schedule, but we have a pretty normal dinner routine and bedtime routine. There are things I like and things I dislike about the routines in our household. We can always improve and make things more meaningful.

What changes do you want to make in your life right now?

I need to implement some healthier practices with food, money, exercise, technology, and relationships/communication. I just don’t feel like it right now.

What keeps you up at night?

Oh! A variety of things! But mostly stress and worrying about my kids. 

What is your favorite hobby?

Reading. It’s my most frequent hobby and the least messy. 

What’s the first thing you think when you wake up?

What time is it? And then what day is it? Then I assess whether I need to be awake.

Do you still maintain a lot of relationships from your childhood?

I have a fair amount of friends I’m still in touch with from childhood. I confess, social media is mostly responsible for that, but it also helps when you marry into the same family. 


I ended up bailing on this post, so I’m just going to turn it in as is and take partial credit.

And for the sake of including a photo, here’s my BeReal from today:

I call it “Walking Home From Tarolyn’s House,” and it has no significance to this post whatsoever.

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