Thursday, January 25, 2024

Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

This post is brought to you by being wide awake at 4:00 in the morning.

I saw this little writing prompt on Pinterest and thought it might be fun (I eliminated the question “are you a virgin” because I like to be mysterious and keep people guessing).


Do you tan easily?

No, and it’s a bummer because my mom is very tan (as is my youngest brother). my other brother and I didn’t get the genes. Nicky tans very easily and quickly. He gets quite fair during the winter months, but then if he spends ten minutes in the sun, he bronzes up nicely. 


What is your favorite show to watch?

Lost is probably my all time favorite and the show I have rewatched the most. But this is a hard question to answer. 


What are your favorite scents?

I love fall and Christmas scents. Pumpkin, pine, cinnamon, etc. I also really like honeysuckle. I enjoy smelling herbs - mint, basil, etc - but I don’t want to smell like them. 


Do you like to sing?



What was your last meal?

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

(This is a great way to use leftover baked potatoes. I usually bake extras and use them for potato salad in summer and this soup in winter).


How many piercings do you have?

I have double piercings in my ears, but one of my second holes closed up. So I can wear three earrings should I choose to have unbalanced lobes. 


Do you wear necklaces?

Sometimes. I'm allergic to a lot of them, so I have to be careful, or I'll claw at my neck until it bleeds.


Do you blush easily?

I really don’t know! 


Have you ever broken a bone?

I can’t say because I believe in jinxes.


Are you an artist/writer?

I’ve written a thing or two.


Do you play any instruments?

Sadly, no. If I could choose, I would go with piano first and foremost followed by fiddle and harmonica. 


Are you in love?

Yes, indeed.


Do you smoke?



Are your maternal instincts strong?

Uh… maybe? How does one know?


Do you feel confident with your body image?

Sometimes but mostly no.


Do you like to dance?



Has anyone ever called you fat or ugly?

Not in those words. No one has called me ugly (thank goodness), but I have a friend who comments on my weight a lot. 


Have you ever been arrested?



What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

Shoe selfie

I love these shoes, but I don’t wear them very often, and ohmygosh why do they look so huge?


Do you enjoy learning?

Definitely! In fact, one of my upcoming 40 lists is "Topics I am Interested In." Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Oh no! What if you just jinxed yourself for being arrested?! (I believe in the jinx too, so I hate answering if anyone I know hasn't gotten COVID. This isn't about me, but I CANNOT SAY MORE.)