Thursday, August 31, 2023

Currently {Day Before September 2023 Edition}

Reading: nothing! I don’t think I’ve ever said that in one of these posts. I am reading NOTHING!!!

Wearing: my jammies. At this moment I’m in bed Wednesday night. 

Cooking: Chicken Zucchini Casserole .

Sick of: zucchini.

Suffering from: heart burn. 

Annoyed by: excessive use of the ‘F’ word. I feel like it’s becoming the new “um.” It’s a filler word with no purpose. 

Wanting: one more bedroom in our house.

Making: lots of jam! I canned 30 jars on Monday.

Dreading: three four-day school weeks in a row. 

Sad about: trials some of my friends are going through. Cancer, ailing parents, loss of loved ones, faith crises, and more. 

Embarrassed by: my phone starting to play a Marco Polo very loudly in the middle of a restaurant today in which I was describing (in great detail) my trip to Walmart for Shannon. Now everyone in Cup Bop knows I bought toenail clippers, mascara, and allergy medication. 

Happy about: any form of cooler weather. 

Looking forward to: a five-day school week sometime in the middle of September.

Saying: “We’ll see what happens.” I just realized this week how often I say that. Many, many times a day. 

Wishing: I could teleport. But with that skill, I would like to be able to take things and/or people with me. 

Feeling: okay. I’m keeping a mood log since I recently changed medications. So far, so good. 

Learning: how to navigate my new (to me) phone. I held on to the home button for as long as possible (with my iPhone 8), and then adopted my mom’s old iPhone 11 recently with the facial recognition. I dreaded it, but now that I’m used to it, I’m not hating it. Other than having to swipe up to close all my apps.

Laughing about: my nephew falling sleep whilst using my other nephew’s butt for a pillow.

And look how he’s just hanging off the couch all hazardous like (this is the twins’ sleeping couch at grandma’s house. They sleep on it every Sunday). 

Missing: giving birth. I don’t want to ever do pregnancy again, but I liked the birthing part. I also miss snuggling newborns, but I don’t want to raise any more humans. 

Eating: half a Crumbl cookie and saving the other half for tomorrow. 

Update: It's now "tomorrow" (7:38 am, and I will not tell you whether the other half of my cookie still exists)

Buying: butter, which is on sale at Smith’s (via digital coupon - limit 5) for $1.99. Yes, I am a walking grocery ad.

Procrastinating: making orthodontist appointments for three of my kids.

Craving: egg McMuffins. I’m going through a thing right now.

Sidenote: last week my driver’s side window broke (aka: the “drive-thru” window). Not the glass, luckily, but something down inside the door. I was rolling up my window when it made a loud pop (scared me to death!) and then my window was stuck about four inches down. Then, while I was driving Zoe and Eva to school, the window suddenly fell down into the door, and I was stuck with a fully unrolled window. 

Worried about: my kids. They are going to have to do something hard soon (a long story for another post), and I’m worried about how it will go.

Trying: to be nice to and think good thoughts about a certain individual I really, really struggle with. 

Listening to: my older children getting ready for school (opening and closing cabinets, filling their water bottles with ice, going up and down the stairs, etc) (it’s now Thursday morning, and I think I need an egg McMuffin). 

Sidenote: Daisy is so loud in the morning. She slams every door she touches and stomps everywhere she walks. I often ask her to try and be quieter, and she always claims she is being quiet.

Smelling: instant oatmeal (made by Daisy with a slam of the microwave door). 

Needing: to deep clean Zoe and Eva’s room for the 423rd time this year. 

Thankful for: good friends who love me even when I suck. 

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