Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Back to School Countdown

Ten things we did the week before school:

Went to parks

Went to Lagoon

Rode electric scooters

Did water balloons

Slept on the trampoline

Had friends over

Went golf ball hunting (grand total: 252)

Stayed overnight at a hotel with a water slide 

Had a back to school fashion show at Grandma’s

Went to Zootah

Nine things I want to do while my kids are at school:

Bake bread

Go to the gym

Take some of their stuff to the DI

Can tomatoes

Start doing puzzles again (I haven’t done one since the first week of March!)

Make raspberry jam

Listen to Les Mis loudly in the kitchen

Go to Cafe Rio with Christie

Start and finish a task without interruption. Any task will do!

Eight things we bought for back to school shopping:

Pikachu jackets (Zoe and Eva)

Nike and Adidas shoes (Nicky)

Squishmallow backpack (Eva)

High tops (Zoe)

Blue pants (Daisy)

Headbands (Zoe - who will never wear them due to sensory issues)

Winnie the Pooh shirt (Daisy)

DI hoodies (Nicky)

Seven classes my kids are taking:

Advanced Ceramics



AP History

Social Dance


Advanced Dance

Six things I don’t like about having my kids in school:

Bad influences

Hurt feelings

Scheduling appointments around school


Getting invited to weird birthday parties

Mom guilt for enjoying time away from my kids

Five things I love about having my kids in school:

Having more structure/routine

Being able to run errands without kids and also without leaving them home to fight

They get to see friends everyday without me having to coordinate anything social

Having some alone time during the week (it took a really long time for me to learn that I need time alone. It’s crucial to my well-being)

Seeing them get excited about something they’ve learned or experienced 

Four grades my kids are in:





Three schools my kids go to:


Junior High

High School

Two things that are different this school year:

Daisy no longer has to wear uniforms 

Nicky can drive himself to his golf tournaments

One more day until school starts!