Thursday, December 1, 2022

Currently {December 2022 Edition}


Wearing: black leggings, a black and white striped shirt, and a hunter green blazer. A blazer! On me! That is way outside of my normal hoodie and stretchy pants. 

Annoyed by: the price of iceberg lettuce at WinCo this morning - $4.98 for a head! I rang it up at self check-out, and I called the attendant over and asked, "Is that right?" and she said, "Yes. It's been that way for two weeks!" Of all the price increases of late, this is probably the one that has shocked me the most. But I looked up the price of a head of iceberg lettuce at my local Smith's because I was curious, and it's only $2.19 there, which is still more than it ever has been, but that's much more within the range I would expect. 

(I didn't buy the lettuce at WinCo).

(What the heck, WinCo?)

Struggling with: keeping up on housework. I've been so busy lately that the house has suffered. 

But Britt, couldn't you be cleaning right now instead of blogging?

What kind of question is that?

Laughing about: the scene in A Christmas Story Christmas with the carolers. If you haven't watched it, Ralphie says there are two ways people respond to carolers, and then the movie shows those two responses. 

I am one of them, and my mother-in-law is the other, and because of this, I found it hilarious!

Sad about: Trader Joe's discontinuing their honey mints. They are my after-meal go-to when I'm trying to not eat a lot of sugar. 

Excited for: Moulin Rouge at Eccles Theatre, which I am leaving for in FIVE MINUTES! (This blog post won't be done by then, so by the time you read this, I will have seen it). 

Update: Moulin Rouge was so much fun, but I definitely wanted to cover my husband's eyes a few times. Fortunately he can’t see very well. If you're not familiar with the stage musical, it has a lot of added music from the movie (Lady Gaga, Katy Parry, Fun, Outkast, Rhianna... listen to the soundtrack on YouTube. It's a hoot!)

Aside: I thought I bought tickets on the front row of tier 2, but it was actually the back row because I was looking at the map wrong! I was so sad! 

Listening to:

Tired of: Costco's meat and cheese trays. We recently broke this news to my mother-in-law, who always has Costco's (or Harmon's) meat and cheese trays at family events, and I'm pretty sure we destroyed her soul. 

Scotty was like, "We have to tell her!" and I was like, "No! We will ruin her!" and then HE DID IT! He told her!

(I'd also be fine to never have another Costco cookie in my life). 

Frustrated by: shoes and pants. I don't know what's going on with shoes and pants these days. I don't belong in this era. 

Needing: to floss my teeth. I have a sesame seed stuck in my "food trap" (that's what my dentist calls a spot between my teeth where one of my fillings has gone bad. Someday, I'm going to get it fixed, but I'm waiting until I have other dental work done, so I can kill two birds with one stone. I can't help it! I just keep not having cavities).

Looking forward to: next year. I love the holidays, but I this year is crazier than normal, so I kind of need it to be behind me so I can get some sleep.

Celebrating: Christmas. ALL. MONTH. LONG.

Temple Square
(the small part that currently exists)

Watching: nothing. I don’t have a show right now, and my life feels kind of empty. 

Worrying about: overnight snow. I don't like making "snow decisions." Is it safe to drive? Should I take the kids to school late? Should we leave 30 minutes early? Do I need to shovel? Should I take the main roads or the back roads? Should I cancel my appointment? Am I wearing the right shoes?

Do you understand the stress?


Buying: Christmas presents. I'm to the point where I have just the "hard people" left.

Dreaming: that I am trying to clean up messes, but they just keep getting bigger. This is my standard dream when I take on too much.

Singing: "Be Our Guest"

Our high school did a collaboration with theatre and special education to perform Beauty and the Beast Junior. My friend Christie's daughter played Belle, and it was the sweetest show! I cried and smiled the entire time. 

Feeling: all the feels, thanks to Beauty and the Beast. I needed that!

Cooking: beef stew. It's in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I used to buy stew meat from Sam's Club, but for the past few years, their stew meat has been really awful. I don't know if they started using a different cut of meat or what, but I finally found a decent deal on stew meat somewhere else, so we are having stew, and hopefully the meat will be much better, otherwise, I think I have to quit stew, and I don't want to quit stew!

Update: the meat was good! I don’t have to quit stew!

Eating: not dairy. I’m off dairy for two weeks by recommendation of my doctor. I don’t know how people live like this! 

My doctor had me go off gluten first and now dairy. Only… I put it off for two years. Because I love my dairy. And by way of information, I used to work at a dairy (and strangely, so did my doctor…) and last night I dreamed that I went back to work there. I think my subconscious really wants some milk and cheese.

Missing: working at the dairy. I really loved that job!

Procrastinating: plugging in my laptop. It's going to die any second.

Wondering: how I can sneak decorate my basement tree this weekend without my "helpers" getting involved.

Grateful for: cold medicine and ibuprofen.

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