Monday, November 21, 2022

In two minutes it will be tomorrow (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: Someday I hope to be able to write blog posts again in some format other than lists, but for now, that's all I can produce. November is quite busy (and December will be, too!) 

Fact #2: Here is the current state of my laptop: 

Please note that it is being held together by clamps, and it can't close. Also the Pepsi in the background is evidence that No Soda November didn't happen. I have renamed my efforts, "No Soda for the First Seventeen Days of November."

Fact #3: Tonight is the last performance of the high school's production of Cinderella. I've been helping the girls with their hair (ringlets, twists, and braids galore!) This will be my 9th and final shift. It's exhausting, but it's really fun to help out and get to know the kids. 

Fact #4: On January 1st, I will turn 39, which means I have one year until I turn 40. I want to do something awesome during that year - something to celebrate 40 years of life. I might be a little selfish in 2023. 

Fact #5: A few things I didn’t buy from the thrift store this week…

Fact #6: Those photos are stuck off-center. These are repercussions of phone blogging. Grumble grumble.

Fact #7: A few things I did buy from the thrift store this week…

Fact #8: Oh, but those photos are centered just fine! 

(Again with the phone blogging. Grumble, grumble).

Fact #9: I’m looking forward to decorating for Christmas, but I’m waiting patiently until after Thanksgiving. 

Fact #10: Nicky is getting his braces off in a few weeks, and I’m so excited to see what he looks like!

1 comment: said...

That green dress... My sister's bridesmaids (aka the other 4 sisters) all wore that identical dress in light pink. I was too little for the pattern so my mom sewed me a Daisy Kingdom dress (I was 11 and a tomboy - I loathed that dress.)