Thursday, June 17, 2021

Oh Hey Stress

A few years ago I did an internship for the National Healthy Marriage Institute. Part of my responsibilities were co-writing and beta testing a workshop on willpower, which included a unit on stress management. Prior to that, I took a course titled "Family Stress and Coping."

That is all to say that I've learned a thing or two about how to handle stress...

...and I don't practice a lick of it!

Last week I had two events that put my stress and anxiety level through the roof. Here's how I coped:

First and foremost, I completely avoided my to-do list regarding the events (examples to follow). 

I slept... a lot.

Like three naps a day. 

I went shopping... a lot. Because when you're stressed, you need two new area rugs.

And new bedding for your kids, and a freezer full of food, and a decent selection of 4th of July decorations. 

I rearranged my plate rack five times. 

I read 4 books. 

I yelled at everyone, watched way too much TV, and stayed up too late. 

I hung some shelves in Daisy's room and organized her Legos, which would actually be productive if I weren't using the task for stress avoidance.

I saw In the Heights twice.

I slipped into Dr. Mario comas while my kids fought right in front of me

I ate... a lot.

And last but not least, I laid on my couch where the swamp cooler blows just so and wallowed while sipping Vanilla Coke from a styrofoam cup because even though I love earth, I also like adequately chilled caffeinated beverages.

(Sorry, Earth). 

Just for the record, none of those behaviors are recommended as healthy ways to manage stress. 

Now the two stressful events are done and over with, and I can resume all of these behaviors as just "daily habits" rather than "stress avoidance techniques."

2 comments: said...

What are those tacos?!? I must have some... Like now!

Anonymous said...

I haven't been in your house in a long time. I don't even recognize it from the photos. You must have all new furniture.