Saturday, June 5, 2021

Currently {June 2021 Edition}



Dreading: summer heat. We set a record over the weekend, and yowza. I can't deal. 

Wearing: a Zion National Park t-shirt, cut-off shorts, and flip-flops. 

Listening to:

Singing: "Sunflower" by Post Malone. 

Buying: my own Nintendo Switch for my room (that's a normal things for moms, right?) and a pair of Chacos in wide width (which were surprisingly difficult to come by). 

Craving:  this tres leches and/or this blueberry pie

Needing: to create a priority reading schedule based on when my library books are due. It just always works out that I have no library holds available or twenty library holds available. There is no in between. 

Right now I have the twenty. 

Daydreaming about: buying a robot vacuum, but then I realize that robot vacuums are for houses that are already clean. I need a robot dumpster that can go around and eat all my kids socks, toys, and gigantic art project scraps. 

Annoyed by: a noise Zoe makes, which she calls her "high pitch." 

Playing: Ticket to Ride Europe.

(and I still play Wingspan and Dr. Mario on the Nintendo any chance I get). 

Working on: handling summer one day at a time. I had a pretty good breakdown last week in anticipation of keeping my kids busy all summer. I feel like all my energy in motherhood goes toward monitoring electronic use, and I hate it. 

Procrastinating: getting a talk finalized for a girls camp I was asked to speak at. I know the gist of what I'm going to say, but every time I try to sit down and work on my outline, something comes up... like my daughter falling and cutting open her chin. 

Worried about: my kids and their dang electronics and their dislike for reading and their relationships with other kids and their health - mental and physical - and the things they are learning out in the world and the fact that I can't spare them from painful life lessons. 

Looking forward to: 

They keep moving the opening date up, so now it's starting June 10! My slightly obsessive husband has already bought tickets to two showings at the movie theater and plans to get HBO Max for the next month so he can watch it at home as many times as he wants. 

I'm not nearly as obsessed as he is, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. 

Eating: what other people feed me. We've had a lot of family events and dinners invitations lately. 

Trying: a summer soda schedule of one 32 oz soda twice a week. I've never done well at drinking soda in moderation, but I'm giving it a try for a few weeks, and if I can't live by the two per week rule, I'll quit entirely (again).

Enjoying: being back in primary. It's been so great to go back to church and sing with the kids. I'm a little out of practice, but no one notices or cares. We're all trying to remember what we're doing!

Feeling: tired. We hiked to Timpanogos cave this morning, and there's some major burn with that incline. My legs will be feeling it tomorrow! 

Grateful for: mobility. I'm thankful every day that I can move - even if I'm out of shape. In the past few weeks, I've jumped on trampolines, played sports, gone on hikes, and done the most intense bootie shaking of my life... in my kitchen. 

Because if you can dance... you should

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