Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Today is a little bit stressful. I feel like one of the most important skills a mother must master is the ability to improvise. To be a mom means you have to be able to completely change directions at any moment. You can make a plan, you can have a mission, but you have to be at peace with the fact that you might not make it to the end goal.

Take eating lunch, for example. Perhaps the plan is to eat a BBQ chicken salad while listening to a recorded lecture for school while your baby naps. But then the baby decided to offset her schedule and fall asleep at 10:00 instead of 11:00 and only sleep for an hour instead of two, and then as soon as you sit down at the table with your salad, she drops a big old deuce in her diaper.

I should know by now that someone will ALWAYS poop when I sit down to eat. It's been happening for ten years, and yet, it still throws off my plan.

But I've learned to improvise. I still get frustrated, but I'm at peace with my life not truly being my own.

So why am I writing this?

I wish I could remember...

I just really needed to write, but I haven't been able to fit it in lately, so I set my timer for 15 minutes and decided to just let the words flow.

And you know what?

Eva is rolling around on the floor under my chair screaming, and by the scent in the air, she most certainly dropped that deuce we talked about, and I'm not even eating lunch yet!


Off I go to do more improvising.

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