Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Never Have I Ever

The other day I was looking for a show to watch, and I remembered that in 2017, I watched 75% of the first episode of Anne with an E. Then, a few weeks later, I finished that episode and watched the second. Then I didn't watch any more of it. So after a three-year break, I decided to watch episode three, and lemme tell you something! Those kids are so mean to Anne. I have a hard time with bullying in books and shows, and I often get frustrated with how characters treat each other, so I was all sorts of riled up over the treatment of Anne, and I realized... kids have always been turds. They were turds in 1908, and they're turds now! Their resources for being turds have changed, but they're turds all the same. 

But that's not my point here. What I actually want to say is that I have never read nor watched Anne of Green Gables in any form. I know nothing about it save for what I have now seen across three years of watching the first three episodes of Anne with an E. I am not loyal to the original mini series. I don't know how the book compares to any of the film depictions. I don't even know the basic plot other than Anne is an orphan, and she talks a lot. 

I'm sure I'm a disgrace to the die hard Anne fans. I'm sorry if I've failed you, but we all have to be disappointing in some ways, right? 

Watching Anne the other night got me thinking about some of the other things I've never done. Here are some of my "Never Have I Evers."

Never Have I Ever...

  • Eaten Indian food (or naan)
  • Had a passport
  • Been skiing
  • Sewn something with a pattern
  • Taken aspirin
  • Seen Les Mis on stage
  • Stayed awake for 24 hours
  • Gone into labor
  • Lived alone
  • Been offered drugs
  • Watched HGTV
  • Had braces
  • Failed an assignment or class
  • Had my nails done
  • Been late for church*
  • Had a hickey
  • Eaten eggplant
  • Watched or read Little Women
  • Used Twitter
  • Gotten a tattoo
  • Seen the Grand Canyon
  • Been drunk
  • Worn Crocs, Toms, or Converse
  • Been asked to a dance at my school
  • Had anything professionally done to my eyebrows
  • Watched a Hallmark movie

There are a lot more things I've never experienced that I'm not going to add to this list because I don't want to jinx myself. For example, if I'd never broken a bone, I definitely wouldn't say so here because that's just inviting disaster. 

I'm not necessarily opposed to the things on my list - I just happen to not have done any of them. I think the ship has sailed on being asked to a school dance, though. And I definitely don't want to go into labor at this point. But hey, some day I might eat some naan and take an aspirin (is that a safe combo? Must research). 

What never have you ever?

*Due to the jinx, I'm totally going to be late for church now, and everyone is going to secretly love it. They'll be all, "Oh look! Little Miss Punctuality is late for church! Whatever shall she do?" I'll tell you what I'll do! Imma just give up and go to McDonald's. Looks like I won't be late for church after all. I'll just be in the parking lot eating my fries at quarter after if anyone wants to join me.

1 comment:

love.joy.lane said...

I like this post... It's like a drunk Britt wrote it.

No naan - we must fix this.

Surprised at the sewing, 24 hour, and HGTV ones.

Black low top converse are my coping method for midlife... I feel so hip and cool wearing them. And they really do go with everything. I recommend.