Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tales of Creatures

We have a lot of creatures in our lives right now. This morning I was out in the garden, feeling dismayed about the ANTS crawling all over the place and the mystery BUG that is chomping on the leaves of my plants.

As I watered and picked a bucket of peas, I listened to an audiobook about ELEPHANTS. The more I learn about elephants, the more I believe they are my soul sisters. I mean, large-bodied animals that need to rest in the shade or cover themselves in mud because the heat takes a toll on them? Are we sure we're talking about elephants and not me?

After I finished watering the garden, I peeked in our BIRDhouse and found the most incredible thing!

I wish I could watch them all day, but I gave them their space and checked back in an hour and a half later to find this:

They are so ugly and so miraculous.

About a foot to the right of the birdhouse lies Zoe and Eva's MOUSE trap.

I mentioned the other day that we have quite the mouse infestation at our house. We always do. They're in our garage, sheds, and yard. Our neighbors have a field behind their house, so that's where they come from, and the mice like to come steal our chicken food.

We take measures to eliminate them, of course.

The other day, Scotty was taking said measures, and the girls decided they wanted to help, so they built this trap:

The mice are supposed to follow a trail of peanut butter. They go up the ladder:

Across the box and through the cup:

And into a popsicle stick cage:

They worked so hard on it, so Scotty and I decided to reward them by leaving a dead mouse in the trap. When they discovered it, they were confused as to why it was dead. We didn't consider the fact that they were trying to catch a live mouse. Oops!

I adore Zoe and Eva's creative minds and love that they worked together to build this mouse trap. 

Yesterday we went FISHing. 

Scotty took the day off work (for the first time in 2020) and we headed to the mountains. Normally fishing isn't my activity of choice, but I go along to be a good sport. This time I actually wanted to go. I even bought a fishing license, which I haven't done in years. 

And I actually caught some fish! 

In fact, all of us caught fish! Multiples! They were all really small, but for our current family situation, quantity is more important than quality when it comes to catching fish. 

The kids had a great time. Daisy, who is normally squirmy and finicky about everything, loves to hold the fish and release them into the water. I've never been okay with touching or holding a live fish (I'm not that hip on dead fish either, but I can touch it to cook it... sometimes I have to rely fully on tongs). Water creatures weird me out, and I scream and run. I can't help it. I make a total fool of myself. Their floppiness and their sliminess just get to me! And their weird, little mouths and unmoving eyes. Oh gosh! I can't even visualize it without getting riled up. 

(Hopefully you've concluded that the hand in the photo above is not mine). 

While we were fishing, I had a bag of Cheetos in my backpack. My backpack was unzipped, and I went to grab the Cheetos, and a CHIPMUNK came running out of the bag! 

Since a rodent had been in the bag, I wouldn't let my kids eat anymore, so we fully surrendered the Cheetos to the chipmunk. 

Well-played, you little chipmunk punk! Well-played!

The funny thing is, this isn't the first time a chipmunk has stolen my Cheetos while fishing. Years and years ago, it happened at Strawberry Reservoir, but it was a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos. The little guy just kept eating them and eating them. It was hysterical!

And thus ends the tales of the creatures for now. 

Take care of your Cheetos, friends!


Amy said...

I've been reading your blog for years and while I loved this post about the animals, your comment, "I mean, large-bodied animals that need to rest in the shade or cover themselves in mud because the heat takes a toll on them? Are we sure we're talking about elephants and not me?" just hit me in the face.

You have commented several times over the years about your weight and I have to say, it makes me sad.

Looking at the photos of you, I cannot see anything wrong with your body. It gave you four lovely children, it takes you on walks and fishing and ensures you have the energy for cooking, cleaning, working in the garden and having fun.

I sometimes wonder what you must think of people who weigh 300lbs or 400lbs; you're so hard on you at your size.

I'd like to invite you to stop all negative body talk, you deserve so much better from yourself. Another Brittney has been on a great journey learning to love her body ( And if you would like to learn more still, I suggest Googling Health at Every Size, thin privilege and Fat Acceptance.

All bodies are beautiful bodies. <3

Britt said...

Amy, you are correct. It is actually a goal of mine to not speak negatively of my body. I really don’t like when other women do it, so I understand where your censure is coming from. I actually didn’t even intend for my elephant comment to be about weight, I meant for it to be about heat because I hate the heat! It makes me miserable, and I go out of my way to avoid being in the heat. But now looking back at it, I see that it is worded in such a way that makes it sound like a jab at my weight - because I DID say large-bodied. That was wording from the book as it described the elephants dealing with the heat and part of the explanation for the way heat affects an elephant. I was careless in my commentary. I should have mentioned other reasons I see elephants as my soul sisters. They are empathetic and emotional animals. The way they protect their young and look after one another is incredible. They are intelligent and fierce. I will be more thoughtful and careful about that in the future. Thank you.

Tiffany said...

I can’t touch fish either.