Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thoughts for the final weeks

I've reached the point in pregnancy where it's hard to talk about anything else. Is that annoying? Or is it completely understandable? It's hard to tell. Either way, bear with me if I get in the habit of blogging about pregnancy. It will be over soon.

Right now I'm 35.5 weeks. Today I feel fabulous because I just turned a corner in battling a horrible sinus infection (my third since Christmas). I got sick on March 2 with the worst cold I've ever had. I thought for sure I had a respiratory infection because my lungs were burning, and I had a horrible cough that kept me awake through the night for several days. I went to the doctor, and they told me that it's "just a virus." Fine. I can deal with that. I'm glad its not pneumonia. But I was pretty sure a sinus infection was settling in. They told me they would readdress the issue when I'd had symptoms for ten days. On Sunday after church I started feeling a bruising sensation in my left eye socket. This is not the usual location of my sinus pain nor is it the the usual type of pain I experience, so it freaked me out a little bit. I may have convinced myself that I had a tumor in my eye socket even though it seemed reasonable that it was just a sinus infection. On Monday my OB/GYN prescribed some antibiotics, and now I have improved. The bruising sensation is gone, and even though I am not 100% mended, I feel like a million bucks compared to how I felt two days ago. Hooray for that! It is a beautiful thing to feel "normal." I don't even mind that I'm eight months pregnant. I can breathe! I don't feel like I've been punched in the face! It's amazing!

Just to make my Worst Cold Ever more exciting, I had 48 hours of false labor last week. I'd had exactly zero hours of false labor prior to that experience. All of my Braxton-Hicks contractions in previous pregnancies have been annoying and uncomfortable but not painful. Last week I started having painful contractions every three minutes. I couldn't walk, I couldn't sleep. They wouldn't stop, but they weren't getting worse, either. Occasionally they would get father apart and then go back to three-minute intervals. They sucked, but they weren't "enough" for me to feel justified in calling my doctor or going to the hospital.They went on for two days and finally went away. That was a new experience.

Last night Scotty and I may have picked a name. I'd say it's an 85% chance. The reasons I can't fully commit are three-fold:

  1. It is a weird name. I have a hard time deciding whether it is cruel to give my child a weird name. However, my son's name is weird (it's not Nicky), and he has fared just fine in life thus far.
  2. The baby might not "look the part" so I need to leave a bit of leeway in case she comes out, and she is clearly NOT a [insert name here]. (This is what happened with Zoe. We had three names to choose from, but when we saw her, none of them seemed to fit, so we had to start from scratch).
  3. I might hear a name in the next few weeks that I like better.
The name we're considering is very meaningful, though, and that helps cancel out the weird factor. The more I think about the name, the more I want to use it, but we'll see... we'll see...

(By the way, if you ask me what the name is, I won't tell you. I'm sorry! I just can't. I've never been able to tell people my babies' names before they're born. I have some subconscious fear of jinxing them. And just to be even more cruel, I don't use my children's real names on this blog, so some of you are really out of luck. Sorry. I've been a real tease today).

Just in time for me to have another baby, Zoe has decided to become a stereotypical two year old. The tantrums! The not knowing what she really wants! The stubborness! The wanting to do everything herself except for the things she actually should do herself! The refusal to wear clothes! The resistance to the car seat! The hitting! The pinching! The biting! The incessant screaming for no reason! 

I remember this! It goes on for years! In fact, Daisy hasn't entirely passed this phase yet. 

I guess I have a lot to look forward to! 


Kayla Moncur said...

Aaaaand now I'm dying to know your kids real names.

Naming babies is so haaaard! Our marriage almost didn't survive naming our boys.

Kayla Moncur said...

Wow there are a lot of a's in that comment^