Saturday, May 12, 2012

My Thoughts on Mothers' Day

Last week at church, one of my fellow church ladies was rambling on about how much she dislikes Mothers' Day and Valentine's Day. It was the traditional argument:

"My family should be nice to me every day!"

"It's just a commercial holiday!"

"Card companies... bla... bla... bla..."

I used to make these same arguments, but then I realized that I don't actually hate these holidays; I just feel obligated to hate them because of societal pressure.

Don't get me wrong, there are aspects that I dislike; such as the Valentine's Day merchandise (teddy bears, silk roses, hearts... ugh!), and I really don't like going to church on Mothers' Day (I don't care to listen to people talk in sacrament meeting about how great their moms or wives are because I'm a jerk like that). But overall, I don't understand why we've been conditioned to hate Mothers' Day and Valentine's Day so much. I don't see what is so wrong about having a special day set aside to honor other people. Yes, we should be kind and loving to each other EVERY DAY, but we're not. So we kind of need these days.

My own Mothers' Day bliss has already begun. The other day Nicky gave me a flower and a big hug for an early Mothers' Day present. Then yesterday he gave me a coupon book, which I fully intend to use.

Good for one hug?

Good for one chore of your choice?

Good for breakfast in bed?

Heck, yes, kid! Heck, yes!

Sorry, world, but I don't hate this!


Apryl said...

I've decided I'm going to think about my mom & grandmas instead of my mom guilt for mothers day. (Mom Guilt is what usually ruins it for me. Cause I'm never going to be like that mom they're talking about in Sacrament Meeting. We're just happy to get teeth brushed & family prayer done...)

Amy Sorensen said...

The reason I dislike them both is that they raise expectations that can't be filled. I dislike that my expectations get raised at all, no matter how hard I fight them down.

Mother's Day has that and the added bonus of the reminder of my mothering failures. I try to picture the Mother's Day talk one of my kids might give in, say, 15 years. hmmmmmmmm.

But, like Apryl said, I'm just going to focus on other moms tomorrow and try not to think about the Mommy Guilt.

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

I Absolutely agree. With all of it!

Dugi said...

I agree with your post. Any excuse to love and be loved is a good excuse.

BerlyCrow said...

I heart Valentines Day. Always have. Ironically, I've only ever had a 'Valentine' on said holiday for about 4-5 years out of 33. Mothers Day is just a 'meh' holiday for me - though for some reason this year's felt different and more special and I loved it. :)

Although - if not-so-subtle hints don't make my nameless-brother observe said holidays, I am not above beating him into submission.

Isabel said...

I don't have Mothers Day and honestly it wasn't until this year that I realized a lot of ladies do.

Yesterday's talks were done very well. The one husband that talked spoke about the wonderful ladies in his life and his kid's life that don't have their own children. It was perfect.