Friday, February 7, 2025


I actually really enjoy making New Year resolutions, but for the last few years, I’ve become really bad at goal setting. I’ve turned rebellious, and if I set a goal, I self-sabotage and revolt against it. It’s almost like a part of me says, “You’re not the boss of me!”… to myself. 

One thing that is complicated about New Year resolutions for me, personally, is that my birthday is on January 1st. With my devotion to free birthday foods and the opportunity to use my birthday as an excuse to indulge in a few purchases, that’s a terrible time for me to try and set goals! So several years ago I decided to push all of my resolutions to Lunar/Chinese New Year (if I make any). 

This year, I didn’t make any resolutions (save for one small one that I’m not going to share til the end of the year). Instead, I made a list of “If I were going to make resolutions, here are some ideas of what they might be…”

Basically I brainstormed and refused to make any commitments, but if I happen to accomplish any of these things this year, I will be quite pleased. 

My non-resolutions, if you will…

Spend at least 30 minutes daily doing something educational

Decrease social media use (especially in front of my kids)

Buy less (be less of a consumer overall)

Quit soda

Get off blood pressure meds 

Invite people more (bring people together and be more social)

Eliminate negative body talk

Be more true to myself (stop adapting to other people)

Spend better quality time with my kids

Get the house paid off

Eat out less

Eat intuitively (and less emotionally and habitually)

As mentioned, I’m not committed to any of these things in an official capacity, but if I am able to review this list at the end of the year and feel like I made progress in any of these areas, I’ll go ahead and pat myself on the back. 

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