Thursday, August 22, 2024

Goodnight, Sweetheart (and ten random facts)

Fact #1: I feel like we are stuck in August. I’ve been waiting for it to be August 24th because that’s the day my Sam’s Cash activates, and I just want to go on my monthly spending spree at Sam’s Club already, but it keeps NOT being August 24th. 

Fact #2: Last weekend we took a little drive around the Alpine Loop. It was pouring rain the entire drive, but it cleared up a little bit when we got to Cascade Springs. We were able to get out and walk around for a while, and it was absolutely beautiful there! 

Fact #3: We’ve had a very heavy theatre week around here. First we went to see a play called Scram put on by a new local theatre company. Then Nicky and I went to Hamilton with one of his good friends and her mom (who happens to be MY good friend, so win/win). 

Then Nicky and Daisy had auditions for The Music Man at the high school, and Scotty and Daisy had a turn at Hamilton. 

Then Nicky and Daisy had dance auditions for The Music Man, and FINALLY, Nicky had callbacks for The Music Man (Daisy did not get a callback, but we didn’t expect her to, being a freshman and all. We assume she’ll be in the ensemble). 

Now we wait for that cast list… 

Fact #4: While Scotty and Daisy were at Hamilton, I took Zoe and Eva to see a movie called My Penguin Friend. Zoe has always loved penguins, and I knew she would love the movie. 

Fact #5: Zoe took two stuffed penguins to the movie and held them the entire time and cried all over their heads. She said it was both a happy and a sad cry. 

Fact #6: I snuck a little snackie into the movie.

Just an emotional support baguette and a stick of butter.

Fact #7: This week (in addition to being loaded with theatre events) was also very heavy emotionally for my kids. It has been… exhausting. I went back and reviewed this post for some survival tactics and reassurance. 

Fact #8: I took an extra day off work this week because I’ve been feeling so behind on things at home. I feel like my house is in shambles, and I can’t get caught up. One thing I really prioritized was getting Zoe and Eva’s room cleaned out. 

Here’s what I threw away from their room (plus two more bags not pictured):

I also hauled out three garbage bags of donations for DI, and the room is still a nightmare!!!

Fact #9: I found a bag of dog hair in Eva’s stuff. 

I’m never quite sure what to make of Eva. 

Fact #10: I fell asleep while writing this, and the only reason I woke up and finished was because I left the TV on, and I had to get out of bed to find the remote. 

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