Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Baby's First Homecoming

Nicky went to Homecoming over the weekend.

School dances have certainly changed since I went to high school, and I have a lot to learn. I’m aware that kids don’t necessarily “date” anymore (that’s been going on for a while now), and that has infiltrated the school dance culture. Some go to dances paired off, but a lot go stag (is that a term still?) Some go in groups of just girls. Some go in groups with boys and girls. Basically, anyone who wants to go to Homecoming gets to go to Homecoming in whatever way they choose, which is good, I guess since I was never asked to a dance at my high school, so I spent every boys' choice event hoping that at least one of my friends also wouldn't get asked so I would have someone to watch movies and eat fast food with. 

As far as dressing goes, they wear… well… whatever. Nicky’s friends all looked like they were going to church - they were dressier that the average Tuesday, but not quite what I would consider “semi-formal.” Then I saw photos with kids in suits, kids in sparkles, and kids lacking in clothing altogether (ain’t none a ya gonna be doing the electric slide in that get up!) (oh shoot… I’m old!) Then there were people in sweaters and converse, people in denim jackets, and Nicky said there were even people in t-shirts. This probably isn't the case for more affluent areas, but where we live, it's the current way of things. 

Since Nicky was going to (what I thought was) a “semi-formal” dance, I wanted to get him something nice to wear - something a little more formal than the short-sleeved, white dress shirt he passes the Sacrament in. Plus, he needed new slacks anyway because his legs have grown 18” since COVID hit (I’m pretty sure he’s over 6’ tall now, but I haven’t measured him. He has a well-child appointment later this month where we can get the official details without me having to scour my house for a tape measure) (tape measures are definitely one of those things I can never find when I need one). 

Anyway, the dance was on Saturday, and I started thinking about Homecoming clothes on Thursday, so I cut it too close for online shopping. While Nicky was at school that day, I went to three stores looking for dress clothes only to find that none of the three even carry dress clothes! For the past several years, I've purchased all of Nicky and Scotty's dress shirts and slacks online. In that time, apparently, dress clothes in-store have become a non-thing. After school, I ended up taking Nicky to Kohl's. I felt very defeated in having to shop at Kohl's - I kind of hate Kohl's, but that's a rant for another day. I knew that Kohl's would have some dress clothes, though, and it's right by my house, so I could pop in during the 45 minutes between picking Nicky up from school and picking the girls up from school. Kohl's won for convenience, the dirty devil. 

While Kohl's did have dress clothes, the inventory was pretty sparse. I remembered that's why I shop online for dress clothes... because I can never find my boys' sizes in stock. Nicky and I sifted through all the dress pants and found a single pair in his size. It was a fabric I don't prefer (due to lint attraction), but it was all we could find. And they were "on sale" for buy one get one 1/2 off (one of many reasons I hate Kohl's) so that did us absolutely no good. Same with the dress shirt we found. Ugh. My saving grace was a 30% off coupon. 

My goal for the shirt was something sweat-friendly and not short-sleeved. Mission accomplished, but only barely since it was such slim pickings. There was just one shirt that met the sweat-friendly color scheme, and they had a small and a medium. I had Nicky try on the medium, but we both thought the sleeves might be too short. To our surprise, it actually fit him!

Close up of our sweat-friendly selection

After overspending (much to my tight-wad son's dismay), I felt like we pulled together a pretty good-looking ensemble. I couldn't tell Nicky how cute he was, though. I had to play it cool. But inside, I was like, "Oh my gosh! My son is soooo cuuuuuuute!"

Kid is getting too tall for porch photos. I have to stand down on the sidewalk and hold my phone up over my head to get him in the frame.

Nicky said he had a good time. He went to a friend's house for dinner. They had Zupa's, to which he commented, "You only have so many years to eat. Why would you waste them on tiny paninis?" They went to the dance (and upon my request, he did ask one girl to dance rather than running away with friends to hide during slow songs - as he has done at all previous dances). Afterward, they hung out at a friend's house. 

When I asked him how his "outfit" worked out, he said, "Good. I looked like a Bishop at a Wednesday night activity."


love.joy.lane said...

He is so cute!!! And your porch is so cute!!!

I had a brief moment thinking we should totally arrange Pais and his marriage so they can have freakishly tall kids together but then I remembered they are related so ya, maybe not šŸ˜‚

Kristen said...

I agree about both your son and porch looking great! And I am very excited for a Kohl's rant! I hope you do it soon!