Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Things from the Past Week That Made Me...

Happy: doing laundry in my new high-capacity washer. I used to have to do 18 loads a week to stay on top of our laundry (it rarely happened). Now I only have to do 9! Same amount of laundry; significantly less time.

Terrified: when I opened my oven and a Pyrex dish exploded at me. I was baking some butternut squash to make Tomato Bisque, and things went awry.

Grossed out: when Zoe puked all over the kitchen floor at my in-laws' house.

Confused: watching hair tutorials. My mind can't make sense of them. There are some braids I've been wanting to learn for years (having three daughters and all), but I can't comprehend hair tutorials. Example.

Mad: when I'm trying to play Solitaire on my phone, and an ad comes up that never has an X to close it. I have to close out the app entirely to get it to go away. Grumble, grumble.

Laugh: Eva loudly yelling 'penis' in her sweet, little voice repeatedly on Saturday night. Scotty and I had to control ourselves as we explained to her that she can't yell 'penis,' but as soon as we were in a different room, we both lost it.

Eva: Comedienne Extraordinaire  

Inspired: finishing the Book of Mormon again over the weekend.

Cozy: wrapping my cold feet in my favorite heating pad.

Rejoice: a bowl of vanilla ice cream with berries on top. You know when you eat something, and it's, like, ten times better than you imagined? That was my bowl of ice cream.

Tired: running the kids around from place to place. Sitting in the driver's seat for hours on end is exhausting. Wednesday is my biggest "run around" day, so Thursday is usually a welcome respite.

Geek out: playing back to back games of Wingspan against Scotty and Nicky and then watching a few episodes of Lost  wherein we learn the fates of the Oceanic Six.

A little Sayid humor for you

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