Thursday, December 17, 2015


Me: Nicky, did you remember to put a fruit and a vegetable in your lunch?

Nicky: Yes. I put in cheese and crackers.

Me: Which one is the vegetable?


Daisy: Hey mom, can we buy that Christmas goat to put in our yard?



Nicky: I want to invent a food called a  "chickurger." It has everything on it that you would find on a hamburger except it has chicken instead of beef.

Me: I have some bad news...


Daisy: Look mom! It's Paw Patrol!

(Points to some dog thing wearing a fire fighter hat)

Me: Who's Papa Troll?


Nicky: Mom, is egg nog bad for you?

Me: Yeah. It's pretty fattening.

Nicky: How much egg nog did Dad drink?


Nicky (while FamilySearch indexing): Mom! Look! This guy died, and he was a farmer. A farmer!

Nicky (to everyone): I found a dead farmer online.

1 comment:

Feisty Harriet said...

Bahahahah! That last one kills me!
