Monday, July 8, 2024

How We Fourthed

I don’t remember my Fourths of July very well throughout my life. Sometimes when people ask what we do for the Fourth, I draw a blank. Do we have a tradition? I don’t remember. This year I was trying to recall what we’ve done on the Fourth in the past, so I did what I often do and turned to my blog archives… where I didn’t find a single post about any Fourth of July activities. 

So this year I’m blogging about the Fourth of July. Here’s what we did:

We started with our ward breakfast. The funny thing about this event is that we’ve gone to it many times because it’s Scotty’s mom’s ward, and she always invites us. But now, we are actually in the ward! So for the first time, we were legit ward members at the ward breakfast!

Daisy & me

Zoe & me

Christie & me

After the breakfast we went to our neighborhood parade. The family that does the parade has been doing it for 35 years.

Neighborhood parade

Snow cones at the park afterward

After the parade, everyone gathers at the park for treats and games. 

We had a few hours of free time between events, so Scotty decided to take Nicky, Zoe, and Eva fishing while Daisy and I stayed home and baked 150 snickerdoodles to freeze for girls camp. That was my first time making snickerdoodles. They turned out okay, but not as good as I hoped. I used my mother-in-law’s recipe, which everyone loves, and she has perfected, so of course, my efforts didn’t live up to hers! She is the master of snickerdoodles and can probably make them in her sleep.

Daisy and I also made two different banana puddings - one traditional batch with Nilla wafers and one batch with a crust made of Nutter Butters. Both were delicious, but I’m pretty sold on the Nutter Butter crust now!

The other kids fishing

That evening we went to my mom’s house for dinner (where the pudding was eaten). 

The kids played games and ran around the yard while we waited for it to get dark enough for fireworks. 

The highlight of the night was the bubble machine my mom bought from Sam’s Club. 

We ended the night with fireworks and electric scooter rides around the neighborhood.

It was a good, long, happy Fourth. 

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