Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hot Seat

1. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

Decided to go to California on a whim in the middle of a pandemic.

2. If you could have dinner with three dead people, who would they be?

Steve Irwin, Queen Victoria, and Jesus

3. If you could live in any era, which would it be and why?

I would just go back to the early 2000’s. I’m comfortable there.

4. What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

5. What’s one thing you wish you could change about yourself?

I want to have more energy, and it would be nice if I actually liked exercising.

6. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?


7. What’s your guilty pleasure?

TV, Coke, and thrift shopping.

8. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

9. What’s the most memorable movie you’ve ever seen?

Probably Romeo + Juliet because I didn’t know how it ended, and I was completely caught off guard. 

10. If you could change one event in history, what would it be?

The holocaust. 

11. What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?

Getting a spray on tan.

12. If you could know the absolute truth to one question, what would it be?

Is there a God?

13. What’s something you’re bad at but love to do anyway?


14. What’s one bad habit you wish you could break?

Eating out.

15. Whats the best compliment you’ve ever received?

One time after I did my happiness presentation, a lady told me that I made everyone in the room feel like we were best friends. 

16. What’s your secret talent? 

If you burp within a hundred feet of me, I’ll know because I can smell it.

17. What’s the most important thing you look for in a friend?

Reciprocity, reliability, and response. 

18. What’s something you’ve always wanted to learn?

To play the piano. 

19. What’s something you’ve done that you never thought you would do?

20. If you could play a character in a book or movie, who would you be?

Mme Thenardier

21. What’s something that make you unique?

I remember names easily.

22. What’s the best way to spend a rainy day?

Inside wearing comfy clothes, reading a book, taking a nap, and eating soup.

Or going to an amusement park and enjoying the low crowds.

23. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

Choreography and pre-marital classes.

24. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

My mind.

25. What’s something you’re surprisingly good at?

Finding good stuff at the thrift store. 

26. What’s one thing you would change about the world?

I wish everyone could live in a loving and stable home.

27. What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself in the past year?

I thrive if I’m ahead of the game. If I wait until the last minute, I can’t function. I don’t work well under pressure.

28. What’s something that always brings a smile to your face?

Dogs sticking their heads out of car windows.

29. What’s the most meaningful project you’ve ever worked on?

30. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a stressful day?

Make Scotty take the kids somewhere so I can be in the house alone. 

31. What’s one thing you’d like to be remembered for?

Anything positive, I’ll take it! 

32. What’s the best part of your daily routine?

Marco Polo-ing my friends on the way home from work and playing Wingspan with Scotty even though I always lose.

33. If you could witness any past event, what would it be?

The creation of the world.

34. What’s something you’ve done outside of your comfort zone?

35. What’s one thing you’d like to change about your personality?

I’d like to be more outgoing and less self conscious.

36. If you could instantly learn a language, which would it be?

Spanish because it would be the most useful.

37. What’s the most interesting documentary you’ve watched?

Keep Sweet, Pray, and Obey. I love me some polygamy and some cults. 

38. What’s one thing you would change about the education system?


39. If you could learn the truth behind one secret or mystery, what would it be? 

It’s a tie between where is Susan Powell and what happened to Garrett Bardsley. Both cases hit close to home. 

40. What’s a talent you wish you had?

Perfect pitch.

41. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? 

An otter or a penguin.

42. If you could relive any moment from your life, which would it be?

Any of my children’s births.

43. What’s something you did as a child that you still enjoy?

Dancing when no one’s watching.

44. What’s the best way to show someone you care about them?

Listen to them. Pay attention. Give them their moment without making it about you. 

45. What’s the most profound change you’ve seen in yourself over the years?

I used to want a big, fancy house in a nice neighborhood. Now I’m perfectly happy with what I have, and I like having a smaller, older home. My priorities have changed a lot. I’m less interested in possessions. 

46. What’s something that makes you feel alive?

Driving a wave runner, going on a rollercoaster, or having a good laugh with good company.

47. What question do you wish people would ask you more often?

“What book should I read next?” (Or what TV show should I watch?)

48. If you could make a rule that everyone had to follow, what would it be? 

No abuse of any form. 

49. What is the last thing you ate?

Pistachio lush leftover from Game Night.

50. When people come to you for help, what do they usually want help with?

Proofreading. Especially obituaries.

1 comment:

love.joy.lane said...

Can we get fake orange tans together? I'm always been too afraid as well