Saturday, October 1, 2022

Currently {October 2022 Edition}


 bottoms that might qualify as "Hammer pants" and a Hamilton t-shirt

Annoyed by: the internet (primarily social media) being heavily utilized as way to insult people. 

Struggling with: my mood. I'm really ornery. 

Excited for: two upcoming events I have tickets for at Eccles Theater - Moulin Rouge and Mat and Savanna Shaw's Christmas concert. 

Listening to: 

Frustrated by: the track pad on my laptop not working. This is its newest problem (as of today). My laptop has been on its last leg for years, but I'm pushing it to the limit because I don't want to spend the money to get a new one. Last month it started spraying sparks from one of the ports. 

That can't be good. 

Thinking about: what we're going to do for our kids for Christmas this year. 

Celebrating: good deals at the grocery store this week. Lately, I've had so much sticker shock from food prices, but this week, when I went to the grocery store, I got some great deals that made me feel like I walked away with the best bang for my buck. It feels so nice to stay within budget and to have enough. 

Trying: to wean off caffeine... again. The headaches are a beast.


(I wouldn't let my grandma watch either of these - just for the record)


Buying: as little as possible. We are in financial recovery mode from being on vacation.

Singing: "Rejoice the Lord is King"

(I'm Conference blogging)

Feeling: sluggish. I'm not very motivated to do anything today. 

Wanting: a new dishwasher and a new oven. They aren't high on the priority list, but they are on the "start saving for" list.

Cooking: ribs and potatoes. We've had a rack of ribs in the freezer for a while, so we decided to smoke them today. 

Needing: to go through my clothes and get rid of a bunch of them. I think I only wear about ten percent of what I own.

Eating: food from the freezer. Yesterday I defrosted our freezer, so I had to do a good cleanout. Apparently I'm a fruit hoarder, so we will be having smoothies every day for... a really long time. We also had frozen breakfast casserole this morning, and we'll have ribs for dinner (as previously mentioned). And we've been snacking on chocolate chip cookies I froze, too. Lunch today will probably consist of odds and ends like hot pockets, corn dogs, and dino chicken nuggets. 

Missing: Disney World. I want to go back so bad. I have to keep reminding myself of how sweaty and gross I was while in Florida. "Bad hair and heat rash. Bad hair and heat rash." 

Looking forward to: our next family vacation. 

Grateful for: having everything we need. 

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