Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Kids Right Now


(age 14 years, 11 months)

Has been experiencing the lovely “voice changing” phase for quite some time and is always making experimental sounds to see what his voice can do. 

Often tells me the same stories over and over.

Wears a size 11 shoe and is 6’ tall.

Likes to ride his bike.

Asks for an iPhone everyday (and gets told no).

Is constantly bugging his sisters. The two scolding phrases we use with him most often are, “Stop causing problems!” and “You’re not the parent!”

Is actually incredibly helpful despite the previous sentence. He always jumps in to help without being asked.

Is obsessed with tamales and asks for them every day (he will eventually get sick of them and not want them anymore - this is his pattern).

Always asks what’s for dinner as soon as he gets in the van after school so he can decide if he wants a big after-school snack or a small after-school snack.

Has a really good group of friends.

Listens to Pentatonix all the time.

Has braces.

Hasn’t worn pants since he was 6 years old (other than for church) but recently said he’d think about getting a pair of pants


(age 12 years, 3 months) 

Does a lot of cartwheels.

Is very self-conscious.

Is 5’5” (two more inches til she’s as tall as me).

Loves doing crafts and is getting to the point where I can actually enlist her help with my projects sometimes.

Sings pretty well but is too insecure to do anything about it.

Does very well in school and is always her teachers’ favorite. 

Hates when I talk to her about anything to do with “growing up.” 

Has braces.

Has a closet full of cute clothes but only wears three things.

Can be very sneaky about not getting her chores done.

Has a very messy room.

Has started stealing my socks.


(age 9 years, 1 month)

Has some issues with comparison and jealousy.

Really loves penguins and has all sorts of penguin merchandise - earrings, clothes, blankets, stuffed animals, etc.

Is reading on level for the first time! 

Is really loud, and we often have to tell her to stop yelling.

Wants a a fancy breakfast every morning and is always mad when I tell her she has to eat cereal or Eggos. 

Also wants a smoothie every day for breakfast.

Is always full of big ideas and gets really disappointed when things don’t work out (for example, the other day she wanted to build herself a pair of wings out of napkins and was devastated when she couldn’t actually fly).

Makes huge messes with her arts and crafts and usually has an art project underway before she even goes to school each day.

Needs constant pep talks on problem solving and being flexible.

Loves Minecraft.

Is a whistler.

Explodes when she’s angry.

Has speech therapy every Monday.

Has recently started to enjoy singing (singing us always been hard for her due to her speech difficulties).


(age 6 years, 8 months) 

Gets in trouble at school for being silly and disruptive and talking too much (for three years she was a child who wouldn’t speak at all during school).

Hates having her picture taken and always pulls ugly faces.

Sleeps in a chair in Daisy’s room most nights.

Refuses to brush her teeth.

Doesn’t respond to any discipline tactics we’ve attempted.

Does cartwheels and stands on her head all the time.

Is always sneaking food in my bed. 

Loves Minecraft.

Puts up a huge fight over her homework every night.

Wants to play "school" all the time (which I sometimes use to trick her into doing her homework when it’s my turn to be the teacher).

Doesn’t eat anything we fix her.

Has speech therapy each Monday.

Won’t pull her loose teeth out and has teeth growing all over the place.

Is kind of sneaky and conniving so we have to watch her pretty closely.

Is throwing a tantrum next to me on the floor as I type this.

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