Monday, December 6, 2021

I Love Mondays* (and ten other random facts)

Fact #1: The other day after I blogged about not being able to find a Christmas wreath for my door (see "buying"), a mysterious, blanket-wrapped individual hung a wreath on our door and ran. 

What does one call this? A drive-by wreathing? Wreath ditching?

Anyway, I am not one to sit by and let a person remain anonymous, so I studied the Ring doorbell footage and decided to give credit to our friends, Brian and Christie.

Fact #2: Speaking of Brian and Christie, they will be featured on an upcoming episode of Random Acts which will air either this or next week. Christie might want me dead for posting that, but you guys, Christie is one of the most loving, giving people I know, and if anyone deserves to be surprised by Random Acts, it's her! So if you're a Random Acts fan, keep an eye out for Christie!

Fact #3: Over the weekend, I decided I wanted to do a fudge taste off. I wanted to pit two recipes against each other - one with marshmallow fluff and one without. I never doubted my ability to make fudge... and yet...

I don't know if the photo accurately tells the story, but the mixture turned hard and crumbly

I blame the food blogger I got the recipe from. She said to cook the fudge on high, which sounded sketchy to me, because I swore I remembered having to keep the fudge at a certain temperature last time I made it (using a different recipe)... over 15 years ago. My memory was correct - it should have been cooked around 234 degrees.

Fact #4: My son is quickly outgrowing our house. If he jumps in his bedroom, he hits his head on the ceiling. If he jumps in the kitchen, he comes pretty close to hitting his head on the ceiling. Every light fixture and fan is a hazard (or is Nicky the hazard?) He is 6' tall, and I anticipate he'll be at least 6'2" by the time he's done growing. And the kid jumps! A lot! We need to get some vaulted ceilings!

Fact #5: When I take Nicky to the pediatrician, the doctor has to climb up on the exam table with him because she can’t reach his ears to look inside. 

Fact #6: I have always been completely fascinated by the Tham Luang cave rescue of 2018. The week after the rescue took place, I was in Lake Tahoe, and a documentary aired on the Discovery Channel about the event. I'd heard about the boys stuck in the cave, but I hadn't followed the story very closely, so I really didn't know much about it. I knew that they'd all been saved, and that was nice to hear, but I had no idea just how miraculous it was that every single one of them was able to come out safely. I was captivated by the documentary, and while the documentary was was mind-blowing, it barely tapped the surface the the story. 

This year I read the book All Thirteen by Christina Soontornvat, which went into far more detail. This past weekend, I was so excited to be able to watch The Rescue on Disney+. The story blows me away every time. I can't believe the miracles that went into saving those boys. I thank God every time I think about it. All thirteen! It's incredible! 

Fact #7: On Sunday I was released from my calling as Primary music leader and put in the new Young Women presidency. I am sad to be leaving primary, but I guess it's time for something new. I’m going to finish out the year in primary, though (it’s only two more Sundays, and that way I can finish teaching and leading the songs that the kids are going to sing in sacrament meeting for Christmas). 

Fact #8: With this new calling, I’ll attend Gospel Doctrine again. I haven't been to adult Sunday school in almost 11 years. 

Fact #9: I’m so excited for my kids to go to school this week that I could hardly sleep last night. I’m giddy over all the stuff I can potentially get done today! I’m going to spend the morning cleaning (while listening to an audiobook). Then I’m going to work on a project out in my garage during the “warmer” part of the day (while listening to an audiobook). I have a few Christmas presents to wrap (while listening to an audiobook) and some laundry to do. 

Doesn’t it sound so fun?

Update: Never mind. One of my kids is home sick.

Fact #10: I’m pretty high-functioning right now, which I love. I’m doing a lot more than I can normally handle, which makes me a little nervous because I worry about crashing and burning. At the same time, I want to take full advantage of  this ability while I can! I feel like I’m trying to outrun a bout of depression - like I’ve been doing too well for too long, and any second it’s going to catch up to me and zap all my energy.  So for now I’ll run and run and run while I can.

*I really do. Mondays are usually my most productive days.

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