Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Currently {December 2021 Edition}


Apparently this book is controversial, but I haven't read up on why

Wearing: black pants and a Grinch t-shirt.

Listening to: my son playing "Little Drummer Boy" on the piano. 

Singing: "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from Encanto

Buying: a new wreath for my front door... except somehow, if I want to buy a giant pinwheel for my front yard, I can find those in the store, but if I want to buy a reasonably priced Christmas wreath, that's a no go now that it's December! So I'm actually not buying a new wreath for my front door, and have therefore violated the integrity of the "currently" post.

Craving: chocolate chip cookies hot from the oven. I'm not much of a cookie eater, but pretty much every time I eat dinner lately, I want to follow it up with a hot cookie. 

Last night, Daisy and I made six dozen cookies, so now I have a freezer full of cookies to thaw and heat to my liking. 

Needing: parsley. I'm out. 

Daydreaming about: my latest project. I have big plans (Crap! Is this where my daughters get it? I'm just now seeing a pattern...) 

I'm so excited to get started on my project now that my kids are back in school. Our Thanksgiving break was a week long! A whole week! 

If my project doesn't turn out to my liking, we will never speak of this again.

Regretting: not finishing my transaction in time to get the pants and jacket I had in my online shopping cart over the weekend. They ran out while I was dilly dallying! 

Annoyed by: people/things bolting out in front of my van. I swear I am constantly being cut off by drivers who aren't paying attention and having animals run out in front of me. Yesterday I had to slam on my breaks for a bouquet of balloons blowing across the road.

BALLOONS, for crying out loud!

Procrastinating: calling the orthodontist to change an appointment for Nicky. 

Loving: the current ages of my kids. They have their troubles, but overall, this stage of life is really treating me well. I'm going to enjoy it while I can. 

Looking forward to: Game Night in a couple of weeks. We haven't been able to play games much these past two months, and I'm craving some good gaming. 

Eating: Cafe Rio (I went to lunch with Christie today). I also took three online surveys today so I can go back to Cafe Rio for "free chips and salsa or dessert."

Struggling with: hurt feelings that have resurfaced in regards to extended family. I always feel a lot of complicated emotions about family around the holidays. 

Thinking about: how much I don't want to drive my girls to dance classes this week. 


Trying: to stick to a month-long meal plan I wrote out over the weekend. I'm trying to do minimal grocery shopping and minimal eating out this month to help cushion the Christmas budget. This is where those free Cafe Rio desserts are really going to come in handy.

Enjoying: Christmas prep. 

But now I'm almost done. I just have a few things coming in the mail, but other than that, everything is purchased and wrapped already. I've even delivered most of our neighbor gifts! I'm not sure what I'll be doing for the rest of the month. Especially after such a busy November. I got pretty accustomed to the craziness of last month, so it's weird to have a little bit of free time now. 

Feeling: a little tired. I was wide awake from 1:00-3:00 this morning, so I ended up finishing a terrible book (The Good Girl by Mary Kubica). Then I got up at 5:30 to go walking. 

Grateful for: streaming. I usually try to be a little more thoughtful for this one, but today, Imma just put it out there... I really like streaming. No commercials. Watch what I want, when I want... Yeah. I'm all about that. 

1 comment: said...

I literally just got that song out of head and now it is back... Thanks for that.