Monday, December 13, 2021

Sick Day

A week ago today I wrote about how I've been very high-functioning lately and how I was worried that I would crash and burn at any moment. Within 24 hours of hitting "publish" I started with cold symptoms. When I get a cold, I almost always end up with a sinus infection, so by the end of the week, sure enough, my sinuses were infected. I got a COVID test on Thursday - just to be sure. I didn't think it would be positive, and it wasn't. Phew! But when my daughter had COVID back in January, I honestly didn't think she had it either, so you just never know. 

I'm feeling a little better today, so I know I'm on the mend, but I'm really, really tired. I didn't slow down and rest last week when I should have. So today, I'm not going to be high-functioning. I went on my normal Monday morning walk with my friend Julie, and while we were out, that's when I realized how tired I really was. I got home around 6:45, took Nicky to school, and then came home and fell asleep on the couch. It's rare for my girls to still be asleep when I take Nicky to school. Usually at least one of them is awake, but today, they all stayed asleep. We all ended up waking up right as we normally leave for school, so I took them a little late - about ten minutes after the tardy bell. It worked out well because Daisy had a case of Diet Mountain Dew she wanted to give her teacher for Christmas, but she really didn't want to carry it around the school grounds before school, and she kept trying to come up with a plan to put it in her backpack. I was like, "Hey, now you can just carry it straight to class! Look at that!" 

It's been a really long time since I've been sick. I've just had a little sniffle or cough here and there during the past two years, but a few doses of Emergen-C or Airborne have kicked it pretty fast. I've long thought that when I finally got sick again "for real," I'd probably be a big baby about it, and you know what? I kind of am. I feel extra picked on. Boo hoo. I'm sick. This is so not fair. 

I'm giving myself permission to take it easy today. Actually, "permission" might not be the right word. I'm forcing myself to take it easy today. My only goals are to take a hot shower (to numb my surely-to-explode face) and take a nap. Anything else that happens is extra credit. This blog post? Extra credit! If I change the toilet paper roll in the bathroom? Extra credit! If I wear shoes instead of slippers? Extra credit!

One thing I really like to do when I'm sick is to take a nap with the TV on. I don't know why, but for my entire adult life, I've always preferred to sleep during a show when I'm sick. My go to show, back before I had kids, was... dare I say it? The Hot Chick. Any time I was home from work sick (and it was usually with a sinus infection), I would turn on The Hot Chick and go to sleep. A few years ago, I watched The Hot Chick while awake, and I'm embarrassed that I loved that show so much. 

But thank you, Rob Schneider, for getting me through so many sinus infections in my younger years. I think my new sinus infection buddy might be Miranda. 

Here's Miranda showing you what I look like when I have a sinus infection.

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