Sunday, November 1, 2020

Currently {November 2020 Edition}


Buying: food, Christmas presents, new clothes for Daisy, food, plates that aren't for food, a Christmas tree for the basement, decorations to put on the Christmas tree in the basement, food, toothpaste, laundry soap, and lots of food. 

Missing: primary. Our primary program would have been next week, and my heart is aching a bit. 

Craving: steak and a nap. Doesn't matter which order.

Listening to:

Playing: nothing. We've taken some time off from game nights, and we haven't been playing any games at home. We have two new ones to try soon, though: Azul and The Crew: Quest for Planet Nine.

Loving: walking on crunchy fall leaves. I love the sound they make, and I go out of my way to step on the crispiest of them. 

Feeling: so many things. I'm feeling resentful, forgotten, worried, lonely, scared, anxious, angry, annoyed, and unappreciated while also feeling extremely blessed, calm, hopeful, and grateful. 

So I'm a mess, but I'm also not a mess. 


Wearing: a Toy Story shirt and yoga pants. 

Eating: donuts that my mother-in-law brought over.

Wanting: a new wheelbarrow and a Blu-ray player. We've yet to own a Blu-ray player, but our DVD player isn't compatible with our new TV, so I guess the time has come. 

Wishing for: peace in the aftermath of the election. But if I can't have that, I'll settle for a self-cleaning house. 

Looking forward to: Zoe's birthday. I'm excited to give her her gifts. 

Enjoying: the blanket I sleep with when it gets cold outside. I've had it since high school, and it's the best!

Grateful for: safety, health, and home. 

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